- He jotted down a note on the pad by the telephone. 他在電話機旁的便箋本草草記下一個通知。
- The nurse put a clean pad of cotton over his wound. 護士在他的傷口上敷了一塊乾淨的紗布墊。
- Not compatible or sympathetic, as in character. 志趣不同的指性格上不寬容,無同情心的
- The pad on which bobbin lace is made. 花邊墊子在其上編織花邊的墊子
- That carpet needs a pad under it. 那塊地毯下面要鋪襯墊。
- Never pad out your essay with irrelevant details. 千萬別用不相干的細節來拉長文章。
- A packsaddle made of a stuffed leather pad. 馱鞍內塞皮革墊料的馱鞍
- Accuracy is not always compatible with haste. 忙中難免出錯。
- This printer is compatible with most microcomputers. 這台印表機是與大多數微型電子計算機兼容的。
- A cushioned pad used by printers and engravers to apply ink. 上墨皮墊畫家和雕刻家用來敷墨的墊子
- A pad or shield of cloth worn over an eye socket or an injured eye. 護眼片,眼罩帶在眼窩或受傷的眼上的墊子或布片
- My advice is not to pad out your story with irrelevant details. 我的意見是別有不相干的細節來拉長你的故事。
- We are temperamentally compatible. 我們情趣相投。
- He and his wife aren't compatible. 他跟他的妻子合不來。
- For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom. 因為人口過剩和自由是不可調和的。
- She got up, fetched a writing pad and pen. 她起身拿了一本信箋和一支筆。
- These actions are compatible with his character. 這些行動與他的性格一致。
- FPS mode is now compatible with pets. 現在寵物可以使用第一人稱模式。
- The child let his mother pad the chair. 這個小孩讓他媽媽把椅子加上墊子。
- It is compatible with ammonium compounds. 它可與氨化合物混用。