- North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. 東、西、南、北是羅盤上的四個方位基點。
- An electrically produced graph or tracing. 電示圖以電製作的圖表或映描圖
- South is opposite north on a compass. 羅盤上南與北是相對的。
- Such things aren't within the compass of my power. 這些事不在我力可能及的範圍之內。
- The compass was first used in sailing. 羅盤首先用在航海上。
- A compass needle points (to the) north. 羅盤的指針永遠指向北方。
- The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 圖表顯示肉類價格上漲。
- The compass is an instrument of navigation. 羅盤是航行儀器。
- The author boxed the compass of negation in his article. 該作者在文章中依次探討了各種反面的意見。
- Her action go beyond the compass of proper social behavior. 她的舉動越出了正當的社交行為的範圍。
- A line representing data on a graph. 曲線在圖表上代表數據的一條線
- Everyone who takes up sailing should learn to box the compass. 每一個從事航海的人都應該學會依次列舉羅盤方位。
- A cardinal point on the compass; a direction. 方位羅盤上的主要方位針; 方向
- The graph flattens out gradually after a steep fall. 圖表上的曲線突降之後逐漸趨於平穩。
- Finance is not within the compass of our department. 財政不在我們這個部門的管轄範圍之內。
- If you haven't a compass, use the stars to guide you. 倘若沒有指南針,可利用星辰引路。
- He did everything within his power to compass his ends. 他竭盡全力以求達到目的。
- It's a soprano of great compass and of great purity. 這是一種音域寬廣,高度純正的女高音。
- The box that appears below a graph, identifying the fields of the graph. 出現在圖下部的說明,用以標識圖的各區域。
- The needle of the compass shows that we're facing south. 指南針上的磁針顯示我們處在朝南的位置。