- Ok. Luxury, mid-size or compact? 好。是要豪華型、中型還是小型車?
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英語不是我校通常使用的教學語言。
- You can get the feel of a compact car in no time. 你很快就能把小型車摸清楚。
- I appreciate his compact style of writing. 我欣賞他那簡潔的文體。
- His uncle is a man of compact build. 他叔父身體結實。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一種ASCII碼控制字元,媒體結束符。
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是當代技術的奇葩。
- This cloth is of medium quality. 這種布質量平平。
- He prefers a happy medium in life. 他在生活中甘居中游。
- The two states made a compact to co-operate against terrorism. 兩國簽訂了反恐怖主義合作協議。
- Not taut, firm, or compact; slack. 鬆弛的不緊、不嚴密或不堅實的; 放鬆的
- A fish in water is in its natural medium. 魚在水裡就是在自然環境中。
- A compact camera; a compact car. 不佔空間的攝像機; 小型汽車
- Water is the natural medium in which fish live. 水是魚類賴以生存的自然環境。
- There is a medium in all things. 凡事都有中庸之道。
- Sound travels through the medium of air. 聲音通過空氣這一媒介傳播。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通過敘利亞人作媒介,希臘文化滲透到波斯。
- The company came up with a new, more compact computer. 公司推出了一種新的更小型的電腦。
- The two nations made a compact to control drug traffic. 兩國達成協議控制毒品走私。
- The Commonwealth agreed to make a compact with this country. 英聯邦同意和這個國家訂約。