- We must all work for the common good. 我們大家必須為公共的利益而工作。
- Jiangsu Good Fund Management Co., Ltd. 江蘇高達投資管理有限公司。
- Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good. 法律是維護公眾利益的理性條令。
- Who Then Will Speak for the Common Good? 誰來為公共利益奔走吶喊?
- The particular interests outweigh or smother the common good. 特殊利益會扼殺或凌駕於公共利益之上。
- The old and the young are all doing their best for the common good. 不分老少,都在為大家的利益而竭盡全力工作著。
- Like the law, censorship contributes to the common good. 同法律一樣,審查制給社會公益帶來好處。
- The common good would best be served by keeping prices from rising too quickly. 阻止物價上漲過速,最能維護大眾利益。
- The old and the young are all doing their best for the common good . 不分老少,都在為大家的利益而竭盡全力工作著。
- They were working hard for the common good and not for selfish interests. 他們這樣苦幹是為公而不是為私。
- With this working relationship, U.N.WORLD FORTUNE INV. &FINANCE CONSORTIUM LIMITED is able to tap good fund sources for investment in mega projects in China and Asia Pacific. 聯合國世界財富投金財團也因此發揮作用,可以提供可靠的資金為中國和亞太地區的重點項目和工程投資了!
- It seemed difficult for him to make any sacrifice for the common good. 看來要他為社會公益作出犧牲是件困難的事。
- We must do everything in a spirit of individual sacrifice for the common good. 我們做任何一種事情都必須保持一種捨己為人的精神。
- "For this reason I forgo my vengeance for my dead son, for the common good. 「因為這個理由,為了共同的利益,我放棄為我死去的兒子報仇的權利。
- This decision was taken for the common good(= the advantage of everyone). 作出這個決定是為了共同的利益。
- They must work together, each in his proper sphere, for the common good of all. 它們必須各就各位,為全體的共同利益而協力工作。
- This adaptation for a variety of operating systems, common good performance. 本品適應多種操作系統,通用性能較好。
- Communitarian fairness is to ask for common good based on community. 社群主義政治哲學尋求基於共同體與善的目的之教育公平。
- But the Malays must distinguish between a personal vendetta acting against them and a conscious effort within the system to make policies for the common good of the nation. 不過,他們也必須能夠分辨針對他們的敵意行動,和為了國家整體利益而實行的政策。
- Haitong Securities at the same time but expect good funds and bad funds will also be a major reshuffle. 但海通證券同時預計,未來好基金與差基金還將出現大換班。