- He was thrice as strong as an ordinary man. 他比常人強壯三倍。
- A drunkard does not necessarily outdrink an ordinary man. 酒徒喝酒未必勝過常人。
- All soldiers ,be they officers or ordinary men ,must obey orders . 所有的軍人,無論是軍官還是普通的戰士,都必須服從命令。
- Ordinary men and women can work miracles in our country. 在我國,普通男女都能創造奇迹。
- If judged by appearance Sam Walton was a very ordinary man. 從外表來看,山姆·沃爾頓是一個普通人。
- You cannot expect a prince to bend the knee to an ordinary man. 你不能指望王子會向平民屈膝。
- He is just an ordinary man and can only write a conventional book. 他不過是個凡俗之輩,所以才寫出如此俗套的作品來。
- Historically, this series puts the life of Genghis Khan on the screen as an ordinary man who may looks common and yet outstanding, loses but wins mostly in his life! 本劇從歷史的角度講述了成吉思汗的一生,把成吉思汗視同凡人,集崇高和平凡,英明和失誤,成功和遺憾於一身的一代天之驕子!"
- All soldiers , be they officers or ordinary men , must obey orders . 所有的軍人,無論是軍官還是普通的戰士,都必須服從命令。
- To the ordinary man, one kind of oil may be as important as another. 對一般人來說,這種油或那種油可能都是重要的。
- When the writer says 'Dick Spivak is just an ordinary man? he means __________. 其實作者在此並沒有打算討論人到老了以後是更誠實了還是更愛說謊了這一問題。
- A hero is no braver than an ordinary man, but he is braver five minutes longer. 英雄並不比常人更勇敢,只不過勇敢的時間長上那麼五分鐘。
- An ordinary man who's trying to learn for a way of going beatifically. (一個自在地活在當下,嘗試學習放下的觀念的凡人。
- Prophets perform their service by inspiring ordinary men and women with their vision. 預言家們的作用在於以他們所憧憬的東西去激勵普通的男男女女。
- He was a great realist, writing about ordinary men and women in their misfortunes. 他是一個偉大的寫實主義者,寫了許多平凡的不幸中的人。
- Somehow or other their faces seemed different from those of ordinary men, however brave and faithful. 他們的臉色似乎與一般人的臉色總有些不同,然而也顯得很勇敢和忠誠。
- You cannot expect a member of the royal family to bow the knee to an ordinary man. 你不要指望皇室的成員會向平民表現出恭順。
- His mother had been a frail little woman, but he himself was as strong as any two ordinary men. 他母親纖弱矮小,而他卻有兩個平常人的力氣。
- One machine can do the work of 50 ordinary men, but no machine can do the work of one extraordinary man. 一台機器可以做50個普通人的工作,但是沒有任何機器能夠做一個非凡人的工作。
- The ordinary man is more interested in news than he is in political doctrines or abstract ideas. 普通人對新聞比對政治教義或抽象概念更感興趣。