- They haven't set a date for their wedding yet. 他們的婚期還沒定下來。
- This Greek dish is of a very early date. 這個希臘盤子是很早時期的製品。
- I tried to fix the date in my mind. 我試著把那個日期牢記在心。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有關你的生日日期的任何證件嗎?
- All our information is up to date on the computer. 我們計算機上的信息都是最新的。
- It is no good asking her for a date. 要求和她定個約會也沒有用。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流暢地說出所有英國國王的生卒年份。
- The dresses on show are out of date. 展出的服裝都過時了。
- Let's discuss the delivery date first. 我們先討論交貨日期。
- The date marked on the marble has been filed away. 刻在大理石上的日期已被磨掉了。
- This type of bicycle is up to date. 這種款式的腳踏車是最新式的。
- I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602. 我見到一塊刻有1602年字樣的墓碑。
- A passport that is out of date is invalid. 護照過期是無效的。
- Payment is due within60 days of the invoice date. 發票開出日期起60日之內付款。
- Every time I ask her to set the date, she stall. 我每次讓她定一個日期,她總是拖延。
- I have a date with her next week. 我下星期和她有個約會。
- It has grown out of fashion [date]. 它已經不時興[過時]了。
- To date, we have not received any replies. 我們至今還未接到答覆。
- The date fixed for the convention was June3. 會議召開日期確定為6月3日。
- Let's fix upon a date for the meeting. 我們來確定一個會議日期吧。