- Standard Chartered spokesman said the bank wouldn't comment on market rumors. 渣打銀行發言人表示,該行拒絕就市場傳言置評。
- McQuown J.A Comment On Market vs.Accounting Based Measures of Default Risk[M].Mimeo:KMV Corporation,1993. 楊星;張義強.;中國上市公司信用風險管理實證[J]
- He made an impersonal comment on the incident. 他對那一事件作了客觀的評論。
- He did not comment on what I said. 他對我的話未作評論。
- Public sales are held on market days. 在市集日公開舉行買賣。
- The minister refused to comment on the rumors of his resignation. 部長拒絕就他辭職一事的傳聞發表評論。
- Downing Street has so far refused to comment on these reports. 英國政府對這些報道迄今不予置評。
- The president's comment on taxes make him a sit duck to critic. 總統對稅收的意見使他成為眾矢之的。
- The king refuses to comment on the election results. 國王拒絕評論選舉的結果。
- The newspaper have a very popular columnist comment on current affairs. 這家報紙有一位深受歡迎的專欄作家評論時事。
- He refused to pass any comment on the committee's decision. 他不肯對委員會的決定作任何評論
- A novel that is a comment on contemporary lawlessness. 一本對同時代的人作評論的小說
- The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor he had planned to resign. 首相拒絕對他準備隱退的謠傳做任何評論。
- On market day, I go to the market with my lettuces. 有市集的那天,我拿我的生菜去那裡賣。
- I am afraid I can not comment on the issue. 恐怕我不能對此問題加以評論。
- Ruiya is oriented on market and customer. 公司立足於全方位面向市場、面向客戶。
- I had a rude comment on the tip of my tongue, but I decided not to say it. 一句粗話已到嘴邊,但我還是決定不說為好。
- This new product has been put on market. 這個新產品已投放市場。
- He made some comments on current topics. 他對時事問題做了若干的評論。