- That is the spring up of the netnews commen tary. 網路新聞評論是一種新的評論形式,是指在網路媒體上發表的,就當前新聞事件或新聞事態發表的評價性意見。
- A commen danger causes commen action. 同舟共濟。
- Shanghai Tari International Food Additive Co., Ltd. 上海大立食品添加劑有限公司。
- Oct. 15-22, FFTC/ASPAC and TARI. 中畜會志24(增):151。
- Cooling treatment is commen for people who have had strokes. 冷卻療法常用於中風患者。
- The small chin deformity was a commen developmental deformity of the jaw. 小頦畸形是一種常見的頜骨發育性畸形。
- Mace accepted this news with a nod."But he is only a mili tary commander. 梅斯點了點頭作為對這個消息的回應:「可他不過是一名軍事指揮官。
- The most commen symptomes were dysnoea(72%),chest pain(72%),and hemoptysis. 患者出現最多的癥狀是呼吸困難 (72%25 )、胸痛 (72%25 )和咯血 (45%25 )。
- Heared some joyful or sad, become a nice and renounces commen custom girl . 聽見一些快樂或憂傷,做一個好看且決絕的女子。
- To be sure, there has been the constant demand of security (the mili tary, the police). 當然,有對於保安的持續需求(軍事、警力)。
- The most Commen resistant antibiotics was Erythromycin, next was Ciprofloxacin, the third one was Roxithromycin. 葯敏試驗耐藥性較高的為紅黴素和環丙沙星,其次是羅紅黴素;
- To achieve these ends,the United States has developed a national strategy that combines political,economic and mili tary elements. 為了達到這些目標,美國制定了一個綜合政治、經濟和軍事諸因素在一起的國家戰略。
- The most commen season low common seasonal flu viras virus found in the United States this year is type A H1N1A(H1N1). 今年在美國發現的最普通的季節性流感病毒是A(H1N1)型。
- Three-dimensional CT is more living than commen coronal CT in displaying the uncinate process and turbinates. 三維CT比普通冠狀CT顯示鉤突、鼻甲形態更為真實、形象。
- Of course,I never chucked football in.Dad talked me round.He was all compassion and commen sense. 花了一個小時練習了技巧、對抗和控球之後,最激動人心的部分就要來了。
- To achieve these ends, the United States has developed a national strategy that combines political, economic and mili tary elements. 為了達到這些目標,美國制定了一個綜合政治、經濟和軍事諸因素在一起的國家戰略。
- Da Xiong was honest to answer "not vey commen",my god, I should be serious to that picure. 大熊茫然的看著我,回答「一般不怎麼發生」,我進入了思緒的低估,媽媽的,蠻危險的。
- The powdery mildews of beans were surveyed in the monthly sown bean plants at TARI from September 1984 to June 1986. 摘要自民國73年9月到75年6月止,於本所農場設立豆類白粉病觀測圃,每月播種大豆、綠豆及紅豆各一次,做白粉病的發病度調查。
- I want to get married and lead a commen life ___to take care of all my families and my future husband and chidren . 終於可以憑藉自己的能力,回報了!
- Does the same effect exist b/w commen knowleage and the features of this patent? 公共常識會使得這項專利技術所表現出來的特點帶來同樣的效果嗎?