- Superman came to earth on a rocket ship. 超人坐著裝備火箭的艦船來到地球。
- Angel came to earth, bringing hope of love. 天使來到大地上,帶來愛的希望。
- If Jesus thought he was God and said he was God then why would he have to come to Earth to heal people? 如果耶穌認為他是神並說他是神,那麼為什麼他要來到地上醫治人呢?
- God planned that His perfect Son Jesus, Who never sinned, would leave Heaven and come to Earth to pay for our sin. 神使他完美的兒子耶穌,就是完全沒有罪孽的,離開天家,來到地上,支付我們罪的代價。
- The Holy Spirit has come to earth to convict people of sin in order to bring them to a belief in Jesus. 聖靈已來到世上使人知罪,為的是使他們相信耶穌基督。
- Yes, Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet prophesied that God would some day come to earth in the form of a human being, and this would be the Messiah. 預言說神有一天會以人的樣式來到世界,這就是彌賽亞。
- A small family came to Earth from the Pleiades to mine gold. 這是一個從昴宿星來到地球開採金礦的小家族。
- Their souls came to Earth to experience the physical vibration. 他們的靈魂進入地球去經歷物理上的振動。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了傑出的物理學家。
- They came to Earth and rearranged the native human species. 他們來到地球上並且重新安排本土人類。
- Two unexpected visitors from outerspace, Veronica and Rugaro, have landed on Earth.They come to Earth because they want to see the jewel of the galaxy. 兩個不明來歷的物體墜落到地球,他們是毫無惡意的瑋嘉與盧格路,他們只是為了看看銀河系最美麗的星球而來到地球。
- A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡邏艇招呼我們停下。
- Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座紅磚樓為止。
- These humans had come to Earth on space craft and were incubating children to assist in restoring the life upon their own galaxy. 這些人類坐飛船來到地球並繁衍後代去幫助修復他們自己星系的生命。
- He will come to see you on the third of April. 他將於四月三日來看你。
- The title just won't come to mind. 那個標題就是想不起來。
- When Jesus came to earth, it was not his Godhood he laid aside, but his glory. 當耶穌來到世上時,祂並沒將自己的神性放下,而釋放下自己榮耀。
- A large portion of this money would come to her. 這筆錢的一大部分要歸她所有。
- Martian Manhunter comes to Earth to warn of an impending alien invasion. 外星人來到地球警告有太空異種會侵襲地球。
- A tramp come to the door and ask for food. 一個流浪漢來到門前討飯吃。