If you get to know its past, the aftertaste of the extraordinary story, will help you to enjoy the environment and the food better. 你尋根問底刨挖關於它的故事,也滿心歡喜品嘗大廚精心烹飪的美味,覺得吃進去的還有沉甸甸的歷史和餘韻久遠的典故,意味酣足,吃情愉悅。
We hope to clear the matter up quickly. 我們希望很快能把事情弄個水落石出。
They decided to slug it out fact for fact. 他們決定把事實辯一個水落石出。
It's no fun to find oneself at the end of the rope. 山窮水盡,可不是好玩兒的。
Now, when the worst of his situation was approaching, she would get on the stage in some cheap way and forsake him. 現在,他已臨近山窮水盡,而她要通過某種不光彩的途徑當上演員,把他拋棄。