- Things are coming along fine. 事情進展順利
- The rice is coming along fine. 稻子長得很好。
- The wheat is coming along fine. 麥子長得才好呢 !
- Come along with us, if you like. 如果你想去就跟我們來吧。
- If you folks want to come along, fine and dandy. 如果你們倆願意和我一塊去,那再好不過了。
- Come along and take potluck with us. 跟我們一塊兒吃頓便飯吧。
- Jane come along with her supervisor to the budget meeting. 簡同她的管理人一起去參加預算計劃會了。
- You should be ready to solve any problem that may come along. 你應該隨時準備解決可能出現的問題。
- Everything was just fine until Fred came along and fouled things up. 本來一切都井井有條,弗雷德一來就給搞得亂七八糟。
- If your car break down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along. 如果你的車子拋錨,就留在原處不動,等警察來。
- John wants to come along with us to the movie. 約翰想和我們一道去看電影。
- Come along and join the ball game. 過來和我們一塊兒打球。
- Don't worry. After the operation, he'll tick along fine. 不用擔心,手術后他會活得很好。
- The work was coming along quite well. 工作進展得相當順利。
- I got along fine with Crim, but he was a little stuffy. 我和克里姆相處很好,但他的脾氣有點躁。
- A fair number of people came along. 來了不少人。
- She signed that she was prepared to come along. 她預示過她準備跟著來。
- He told the children to come along. 他叫孩子們向前走。
- Could you come along with me for an hour or so? 與我一起去,一兩小時便可。
- We'd be tickled pink if you'd come along. 如果你來,我們會非常高興的。