comb (dent)

  • 梳齒

comb (dent)的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:


名詞 comb:
  1. a flat device with narrow pointed teeth on one edge; disentangles or arranges hair

  2. the fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other gallinaceous birds

  3. any of several tools for straightening fibers

  4. ciliated comb-like swimming plate of a ctenophore

  5. the act of drawing a comb through hair

動詞 comb:
  1. straighten with a comb

  2. search thoroughly

  3. smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb

comb (dent)的用法和樣例:


  1. The teeth of the comb are all broken, but I still want to save the comb, because it has some special meaning to me.
  2. The comb's teeth appearance of niche inside cavity.Contrast agent leaked into the mediastinum because of the acute esophageal rupture.
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