- The customs offices need not issue the Certificate of Tax Collection or Exemption for Imported or Exported Goods with respect to the goods imported in non-encouraged foreign-funded projects. 對非鼓勵類外商投資項目進口貨物,海關不需出具《進出口貨物征免稅證明》。
- A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve. 寬恕; 赦免臨時性的豁免或免除; 緩期,暫減
- A collection or totality; an aggregate. 聚合,堆匯合或整體; 聚合
- A member of a collection or set; a specimen. 成員,樣本一群或一套中的一個; 標本
- No one is free from shortcomings or exempt from making mistakes. 沒有缺點錯誤的人是沒有的。
- That which is gathered or amassed; a collection or an accumulation. 收集物被收集或聚集的東西; 一種收集物或獲得物
- What kind of tax do you apply for a reduction or exemption)? 您申請減免的是哪一種稅款?
- To collect or bindinto a fagot; bundle. 捆成一束;一捆。
- To collect or bind into a fagot;bundle. 捆成一束;一捆
- To collect or bind into a fagot; bundle. 捆成一束;一捆
- The reduction or exemption of taxes on all aforesaid items that have already been approved shall be suspended and normal collection resumed as of January 1, 1989. 上述各項,已經批准減免稅的,一律從1989年1月1日起停止執行,恢復徵稅。
- A collection or totality;an aggregate. 聚合,堆匯合或整體;聚合
- What procedures should I go through for a tax reduction or exemption)? 請問如何辦理減免稅手續?
- A collection or body of legends. 傳說,傳奇,傳奇故事傳奇故事集或傳說本身
- We'll need to raise more money(= collect or borrow it)next year. 明年我們需要籌集更多的錢。
- The coverage of specific tariff reduction or exemption was provided for by the State Council. 具體減免稅政策由國務院規定。
- Xie Qing answers questions about how to go through procedures for a tax reduction or exemption. 謝青回答有關辦理減免稅手續的問題。
- A collection or mixture of unrelated things; a hodgepodge. 混雜物不相關的事物的集合或混合;大雜燴
- Approvals of tax reduction or exemption by any locality which exceeds its respective authority shall cease immediately. 對各地越權批准減免稅的,應立即停止執行。
- A collection or mixture of unrelated things;a hodgepodge. 混雜物不相關的事物的集合或混合;大雜燴