- The chilly night rain makes me tremble with cold. 夜雨凄凄,凍得我不住地打顫。
- Because there was no cloud he deduced that it was going to be a cold night. 因為沒有雲,所以他推斷說,那必將是一個寒冷的夜晚。
- The puddles skimmed over during the cold night. 夜間寒冷,水潭結上了薄冰。
- They kept hanging over the fire on the cold night. 在寒冷的夜裡,他們總是靠在火邊取暖。
- It was such a cold night that we all kept indoors. 那天夜裡冷極了,我們都沒有出門。
- A hot cup of tea on a cold night is a real comfort. 寒冷冬季的夜晚來杯熱茶真是一種享受。
- And all around me the cold night grows still. 包圍我的依然是寒冷而沉默的夜晚。
- During the cold night, the puddles skimmed over. 夜間寒冷,水窪面上結了冰。
- He breathed in the cold night air. 他呼吸了夜晚清涼的空氣。
- It was a chilly night; I covered my shoulders with a shawl, and then I proceeded to think again with all my might. 那是個寒冷的夜晚;我用披巾裹著肩膀,然後開始全神貫注地繼續思考。
- She dragged me out to a dancing party on that cold night. 那個寒冷的夜晚她拉我出去參加舞會。
- By the Nizamuddin rail tracks, a gaggle of children warm themselves on a chilly night by burning scraps of wood. 在尼桑木丁路軌的這邊,一群喧鬧的孩童在寒冷的夜晚正靠燃燒廢木料取暖。
- We keep the dog indoors on cold nights. 在寒冷的晚上,我們把狗關在屋內。
- Park Sun-young waits patiently in the chilly night weather by the outdoor pool for her next cue. This location held a fond memory for her... 在寒冷的夜晚;朴宣暎在室外游泳池畔邊耐心地等待她的下一個演出.這個地點有著她喜歡的回憶...
- The soldiers scared up a few extra blankets on a cold night. 戰士們在寒冷的夜晚又多搞到了幾條毯子。
- May 13th.Students' hunger strike started in the afternoon of May 13th, 1989.That same day, students braved a chilly night in the Tiananmen Square. 絕食從五月十三日下午開始,夜裡同學們在廣場上度過寒冷的夜晚。
- The strains of the balalaika and snatches of a soft melancholy song drifted across the chilly night, probably from a young White Russian emigre girl, singing for her living. 一聲二聲清脆的歌音,帶著哀調,從靜寂的深夜的冷空氣里傳到我的耳膜上來。 這大約是俄國的飄泊的少女,在那裡賣錢的歌唱。
- On a moonless, cold night, Nian went to the village again. 在一個漆黑無月亮的晚上,年又來村子了。
- Very bright sun in the daytime and cold nights. 白天陽光非常強烈,到夜晚轉為寒冷。
- Why must you drag me out to a concert on this cold night? 這樣冷的夜晚幹麼一定要拖我出去聽音樂會呢?