- The room struck cold and cheerless. 這房間給人以寒冷陰鬱的感覺。
- One who is really at home never feels cold and cheerless. 一個真正在自己家裡的人是永遠不會感到冷清的。
- Itis cold and cheerless in the yard and no one is there. 院子里冷冷清清,一個人也沒有。
- It is cold and cheerless in the yard and no one is there. 院子里冷冷清清,一個人也沒有。
- The E-corner is so cold and cheerless while many area are prosperous now. 當別的版面辦的紅紅火火的時候;我們的英語角冷冷清清.
- It was already night, cold and cheerless, the heavens being overcast with clouds which seemed to threaten snow. 這時天已黑了,寒冷和黑暗籠罩著大地,天空烏雲密布,看樣子將要下雪。
- It was a very dubious-looking, nay a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless. 這是一個非常朦朧的、且非常黑暗而陰沉的夜晚,天氣冷徹肌膚,了無生趣。
- See this piece of picture, black and white and dichromatic adornment, be not drab, cold and cheerless some? 看這張圖片,黑白兩色的裝飾,是不單調、冷清了些呢?
- Saw that day report a give upSmokeOutpatient service cold and cheerless opens business. 那天看到了報道說一家戒煙門診冷清開張。
- I stood on street cold and cheerless the day before yesterday, begging for God helped his child , was! 前天,我站在冷清的街面上,乞求上帝幫助他的孩子,是啊!
- The sea is quiet, beach is quiet, I sucked cold of a cold cold and cheerless deeply to bringing the air of fishy smell. 於是我們開始說英文,而老美開始講漢語,夾雜著各種手勢,非常熱鬧,一刻也沒得停。天越來越黑了,一抹月牙爬上天邊。我們開始晚餐。
- But it is long in green environment, make the person feels cold and cheerless easily, affect the exudation of gastric juice, anorexia. 但長時間在綠色的環境中,易使人感到冷清,影響胃液的分泌,食慾減退。
- Blue-black original sober and relaxed, local scene of small broken beautiful tie-in wheat skins, appear luster of cold and cheerless. 深藍色本來就冷靜清爽,局部小的碎花搭配小麥色肌膚,顯得冷清有光澤。
- See the cold and cheerless, BBS are we really are American blizzard icouldn to put our RMB into dollars, to foreign countries? 看看論壇的冷清,難道我們真的被美國暴雪蒙住了眼睛,非要把咱們的人民幣變成美元,送到國外?
- Perhaps the baronet's bedroom was about the pleasantest retreat that an invalid could have chosen in such cold and cheerless weather. 在這樣寒冷凄涼的天氣里,從男爵的卧室也許是一個病人所能選擇的最舒適愉快的休養所了。
- Make up! Make up! A long time has past since the last diary was written. Oh, our home is so cold and cheerless! So let's make up! 哎呀哎呀,不得了落功課了,哈哈,孩子們的日記忘了寫,這麼多天家裡很是冷清啊,趕緊補功課!
- Gu pillow difficult Mian, half pieces of bed of cold and cheerless, it is us female to Gu male few, to the understanding with cold feeling. 孤枕難眠,冷清的半張床,是我們對孤男寡女,對感情冷淡的理解。
- The reason I don't like the third one is I don't like animals on the pictures and I think it looks too cold and cheerless. 我不喜歡第三個是因為我不喜歡有動物的畫而且我認為它看起來太冷清。
- The reporter is in suburban area of floor of wood of square of sincere household culture sees, although be playday, floor market as before cold and cheerless. 記者在城外誠家居文化廣場木地板區看到,儘管是休息日,地板市場依舊冷清。