- The relationship between the change in KIS and the change in coating film Property is discussed and the mechanism of Al-Zn anodic pigment in coatings is explored. 討論了阻抗譜特徵變化與鋁鋅塗層結構及性能變化的關係,探討鋁鋅陽極顏料在塗層中的作用機理。
- The relationship between the change in EIS and the change in coating film property is discussed and the mechanism of Al-Zn anodic pigment in coatings is explored. 討論了阻抗譜特徵變化與鋁鋅塗層結構及性能變化的關係,探討鋁鋅陽極顏料在塗層中的作用機理。
- The effect of n(-NCO)/n(-OH) and the degree of neutralization on the coating film properties and exterior morphology were studied. 研究了反應物摩爾比n(-NCO)/n(-OH)、中和度等因素對塗膜性能和外觀的影響。
- Outstanding adhesion to coating film and steel surface. 對漆膜及鋼鐵表面具有極好的附著力。
- Repair, seam filling and coating film materials for wall. 修補、填縫、不垂流壁材塗覆保護膜。
- Keywords AED coatings;anionic acrylic resin;coating film properties;low temperature curing; 陽極電泳漆;陰離子丙烯酸樹脂;塗膜性能;低溫固化;
- coating film properties 塗膜性能
- HM CC-H series High-efficiency Candy Coating Machine can not only coat sugar, but also coat film. 系列高效糖果包衣機,不僅包糖衣,還可包膜衣;
- Our experiments demonstrated that the adhesive ability, film property, and compatibility of starch-PVA blended sizes increase after the homogenization of high-speed shearing. 通過實驗得出,高速剪切作用后,澱粉與PVA混合漿的混溶性大大提高,粘附力和漿膜性能也有了增加。
- The fineness of fly ash influences on the solidifying velocity and coating film performance of polyurethane waterproof coating. 粉煤灰的細度對防水塗料的固化速度和塗膜性能都有影響。
- Outside a well-preserved sub-cellar of the house, internal as a result of disrepair, leaking serious shooting the film property is sent to carry out remedial work. 一座外部保存完好的窨子屋,內部由於年久失修,漏雨嚴重,此片拍攝時房產公司正在派人進行修補。
- The effects of the composition and molecular weight of the HDI oligomer on the properties of coating film were studied. 通過改變HDI齊聚物合成反應的條件,探討了齊聚物的組成和分子量對塗膜性能的影響。
- Coating film waterproof, oil-proof, dustproof and lightproof, candy be not intenerated, slimy or changed shape. 包上膜衣,可防水、防油、防塵、遮光,糖果不受潮、不粘連、不變形。
- Use special emulsifier, its appearance is halfway transparent, and the sheen of coating film is high. 選用特殊的乳化劑,外觀呈半透明,塗膜光澤度高。
- The reaction between resin and hardener to form the final film properties. 樹脂和固化劑通過化學反應而達到最終的塗層性能。
- The results were discussed from the principle of electrolytic coating film and light etching effect. 並用電解復膜原理和光蝕效應對研究結果進行了討論。
- Reflector: High temperature processed, layers of alloy coating films. 反射:高溫處理后,合金塗層層薄膜。
- By analyzing the solution for chemical treatment,technological character and film property,the existing problem and the studying direction of each technology for the future are indicated. 通過對這些方法中化學處理溶液的性質、工藝特點以及膜層性能進行分析,指出了各方法存在的問題以及今後研究的方向。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上禮拜我在那家店買了一件新外套。
- A reasonable formulation for epoxy zinc-rich shop primer was designed through many experiments, the prepared film property was complyed with national standard, and the paint reduced the pollution. 通過大量的試驗研究,設計了一個合理的環氧富鋅車間底漆配方,製備出的塗料漆膜性能符合國家標準,且降低了塗料整體的污染程度。