- The results were analyzed by t test using SPSS 9.0 software. 結果利用SPSS9.;0軟體包分析;採用t檢驗進行統計學處理。
- The t test with different samples was adopted for comparison between groups. 採用不同樣本t檢驗進行組間比較。
- The results of qualitative and quantitive analysis was evaluated by chi square test and t test respectively. 對M mp一2、Mmp一9的定性表達和定量表達結果分別採用xZ檢驗和t檢驗進行統計學分析。
- The fifth part probes into the effect of population variables on the score of SMM by One-way ANOVA, SNK and T Test. 第五部分運用單因素方差分析、多重比較檢驗和T檢驗探討了人口統計變數對我國軟體開發人員共享心智模式評價的影響,人口變數包括性別、年齡、學歷、職務、更換單位次數等五個方面。
- closed sequential pattern mining 閉合序列模式挖掘
- Ache degree is alleviated after curing and t test shows remarkably difference (?P?<0.001). 治療后疼痛程度明顯減輕 ;經t檢驗有顯著性差異 (P <0 .;0 0 1 )。
- Top-k Closed Sequential Pattern(Topk_CSP) Top-k閉序列模式
- Independent samples group t test with SPSS 11.0 software package was used for statistical analysis. 攝取X線頭影側位定位片;用Pancherz分析法評判治療過程發生的骨性和牙性變化;以SPSS11.;0軟體進行獨立樣本t檢驗。
- incomplete closed sequential machine 不完全封閉時序機
- The data, including twenty scores from YOIS and six Scores of CMI, were analyzed by t test and canonical analysis. 經t檢定與典型相關分析所得資料,結果如下:(1)男女生的職業興趣有差異。
- Descriptive Statistics, Chi-Square, Independent T Test, ANOVA, and Logistic Regression were used to analyze the data. 以描述性統計、卡方檢定、獨立t檢定、單因子變異數分析及二元邏輯斯回歸進行分析。
- To analyze the combinative effects of two factors, the t test and analysis of variance is used. 採用t檢定與變異數分析法,探討因子水準組合的影響效果。
- The methods of EFA, CFA and One-Sample T Test were used.Three issues were revealed: (1) Job transfer has growth effect. 本文的理論貢獻在於證實了:(1)員工的流動存在成長效應,流動將促進員工成長性提高具有統計意義;
- The 2 test and Student t test were used to compare dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. 分別用卡方檢驗和T檢驗比較兩分法變數與連續變數。
- As a result.a two-sample t test with the assumption of equal variances was used to test each of the four hypotheses. 結果.;用了假定兩個相等變化的樣品測試來對這四個假設進行一一測試
- The 2 test and Student t test were used to compare dichotomous and continuous ariables, respectiely. 分別用卡方檢驗和T檢驗比較兩分法變數與連續變數。
- Non-cardiac causes of positive troponin T test included rsnal failure, post-cardiopulmonary resuscitation, sepsis, rhabdomyolysis and ethanol overdose. 而非心因性的原因則包括:腎衰竭,經心肺復甦術后,敗血症,橫紋肌解症及酒精過量。
- Utilizing x~2 test, t test, correlativity analysis and stepwise regression analysis to analyse the collected data in SPSS 11.0 software. 分別採用卡方檢驗、t檢驗、相關分析及逐步回歸分析等方法;應用SPSS 11.;0軟體完成數據的統計處理。
- In 30 patients, Auditory Brain Stem Response (ABR) end ENG were tested. The statistical analysis was performed using t test. 對30名患者進行聽性腦幹反應(ABR)和眼震電圖(ENG)檢查。
- There was no significant difference in t test in EMG wave amplitude,maximum tetanized systole tensile strength and duration of isometric contraction. 兩側肌電圖波幅、等長收縮時最大強直收縮張力及持續時間進行自身t檢驗比較均無顯著差異。