- One should cling to one's friends. 對朋友應該忠實。
- One should cling to one's principles. 人應該堅持自己的原則。
- cling to one's own view. 堅持己見。
- cling to one's own view 堅持己見
- They clung to one another for support. 他們互相緊抓住對方,以相互支撐。
- They clung to one another for comfort. 他們互相抱著以求得到安慰。
- Finally, the writer also introduces Donald J.Munro"s own views of human nature. 另外,筆者還介紹了孟旦自己的人性論觀點。
- It is unjustified to suggest that a talented person must cling to one company when a better opportunity arises. 當出現一個更好的機會時,要一個有才能的人依然留在原單位的說法是沒有太大說服力的。
- As there is not love, codependence take off in fear and humans and kingdoms cling to one another in attachment. 當沒有愛,互相依賴就在恐懼中將其取代,而人類與各個王國就在連線中緊粘一起。
- Don't cling to the kerb when you're driving. 不要緊貼路邊開車。
- Little children always cling to their mothers. 小孩子總是緊依著母親。
- Small children cling to their mothers. 小孩子都纏著母親。
- Until today, it is -still that death penalty keeps theorists and abolishes theorists with death -penalty to stick to one『s own version, Everyone has no abundant reason to persuade -another party. 直到今天,死刑保留論者與死刑廢除論者仍然是各執一詞,誰都沒有充分的理由去說服另一方。
- It is vain to hold on your own view. 固執己見是沒有用的。
- The largest musical clock in Germany clings to one of the towers. 德國最大的音樂鍾就緊貼著此處的一座高塔上。
- He clung to his own view. 他堅持己見。
- The etymology of Swedes, and thus Sweden, is generally not agreed upon but suggestively deriving from Proto-Germanic *Swihoniz meaning 「one』s own」, referring to one』s own Germanic tribe. 該詞源瑞典人,因此瑞典,一般不會同意,但聯想源於原始日耳曼* Swihoniz意思是「自己」 ,指的是自己的日耳曼部落。
- The thought of following Zhong Dao in Buddhism is an important matter in Mahayana theory, which means one should not cling to one side while ignoring the other and going to extremes. 佛家中道思想是大乘般若學說體系的重要內容 ,它是一種不執著於矛盾任何一方、不走極端的思維方法。
- One who orchestrate one』s own tragedy. --- 這若譯"自彈自唱" 自是不妥.
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹馬有六比一的賠率很不錯。