- The fate of the billion-dollar Taj Mahal in Atlantic City hung in the balance late last night as Donald Trump raced to clinch a deal with bondholders aimed at staving off an involuntary bankruptcy for his giant casino hotel. 大西洋城價值十億元的泰姬瑪哈的命運吉凶未卜。昨天深夜特朗普分秒必爭地與債權人達成協議,以解除他規模龐大的賭博酒店被迫破產的厄運。
- What matters most is that PSA has managed to clinch a deal with a key customer. 最重要的是港務集團最終保住了這個大客戶,並起到正面的效應。
- It can work in conjunction with sales and promotional activities to clinch a deal. 它與銷售與促銷兩項工作結合起來招攬生意。
- Store of general lamps and lanterns marks a price 1500 yuan droplight, 850 yuan can clinch a deal. 一般的燈具店標價1500元的吊燈,850元就能成交。
- Molybdenum of oxidation of brand of Jin Duicheng JDC and molybdenum iron clinch a deal valence approachs western value. 金堆城JDC品牌氧化鉬和鉬鐵成交價接近西方價。
- The tax rate of agree duty is 3% , general with secondhand of building business clinch a deal price plan duty. 契稅的稅率為3%25,一般以二手房屋買賣的成交價格計稅。
- Can the system send force to develop apogee range up in it inside clinch a deal automatically? 是不是系統會在它發力向上沖最高點範圍內的自動成交?
- I again mightiness request the owner clinch a deal with me by 198 pieces 7 prices, this is me at that time of all house be. 我又強烈要求老闆以198塊7的價格與我成交,這是我當時的全部家當。
- Additional, two people also do not have argy-bargy to the bade of former owner, quite flat clinch a deal with price of 16.9 million dollar. 另外,倆人對原業主的出價也沒有討價還價,相當乾脆的以1690萬美元售價成交。
- The concrete end how clinch a deal, small new of guerdon exactly is how much, keep secret!Because of now everyone's salary all be regarded as privacy! (具體最後是怎麼成交的,小新的報酬到底是多少,保密!因為現在大家的薪水都算是隱私!)
- The Copenhagen conference has been billed as the last best chance to clinch a deal, but doubts have been raised whether it can do that. 哥本哈根峰會被視為是達致減排協議的最後一個最佳時機,但是有人質疑,哥本哈根峰會是否能夠取得如此成果。
- Current, shanghai building city presents a v/arc sale at reduced prices, quantity to increase continuously, and clinch a deal the amount is small confused posture. 目前,上海樓市呈現出放盤、量持續增加,而成交量低迷的態勢。
- But this business did not clinch a deal finally, because of him himself most be fed up with have on the website float advertisement, also cannot importune oneself user likewise. 當大家不熟悉電腦使用、不熟悉互聯網的時候,怎麼能夠幫助大家就是他們責無旁貸的事情,互聯網在中國發展的初期,主要就是靠一批個人站長的熱情在支撐,不計代價。
- You are a seller, should know currently this business clinch a deal, what to make money is you, you should know several USD 100s and several differentiations of USD 100,000s. 你是賣家,應該清楚目前這筆買賣成交,賺錢的是你,你應該知道幾百美金和幾十萬美金的區別。如不肯舍小取大,那是對方的損失(我們還有其他的和你一樣的賣家可以聯繫)。
- Pass argy-bargy one time, both sides clinchs a deal with 6000 yuan. 經過一番討價還價,雙方以6000元成交。
- Up to now,32 members including US and EU have concluded negotiations and signed bilateral agreements with China. Mexico,Switzerland,Ecuador,Guatemala and Costa Rica are the members yet to clinch a deal with China. 迄今為止,已有包括美國和歐盟在內的32個成員與中國結束談判並簽署了雙邊協議,尚未達成協議的僅剩墨西哥、瑞士、厄瓜多、瓜地馬拉和哥斯達尼加。
- There are many popular sayings in this respect, such as "Friendly relations should exist between buyer and seller even if they fail to clinch a deal", and "place what is right above material gains". 中國有很多表示這方面情況的俗語,如:「買賣不成情義在」「重義輕利」等。
- There are many popular sayings in this respect, such as 「Friendly relations should exist between buyer and seller even if they fail to clinch a deal」, and 「place what is right above material gains」. 中國有很多表示這方面情況的俗語,如:「買賣不成情義在」「重義輕利」等。
- Up to now, 32 members including US and EU have concluded negotiations and signed bilateral agreements with China. Mexico, Switzerland, Ecuador, Guatemala and Costa Rica are the members yet to clinch a deal with China. 迄今為止,已有包括美國和歐盟在內的32個成員與中國結束談判並簽署了雙邊協議,尚未達成協議的僅剩墨西哥、瑞士、厄瓜多、瓜地馬拉和哥斯達尼加。
- It take the negotiator ten hours to nail down a deal. 參加協商的人花了十個小時才敲定一樁生意。