- A clear stream flow swiftly ahead from the creek. 一股清流從山澗里奔涌而出。
- A clear stream runs past the front of my house. 我家門口有一條汀瀅的小溪流過。
- This is an ancient house, with a clear stream running alongside. 這是一幢老房子,一條清澈的小河從旁邊流過。
- Early B/W Japanese Picture Post Card, The clear stream of Ishitegawa, River. 松山名勝 石手川公園之清流.
- Flushed by a clear stream, the turbid water was being diluted and squeezed out. 在一股清流的衝擊下,杯子里的渾水不斷地被稀釋、充溢了出來。
- The place was surrounded by clumps of trees,with a clear stream running alongside. 後面一句是一種伴隨狀態,可以譯作前一句的狀語。
- The river, crossed by frequent bridges and crowded with barges and junks, bears on its clear stream the traffic of thriving village-markets. 河流上,橋樑連綿交織,駁船和民船聚集著,在這條晶瑩的江水上承擔著農村市集的繁盛的交通。
- Loving words are like sweet music. A smile is like a budding flower. Kindness is like a clear stream in a muddy world. Truth is like a rain after drought. 愛語如和諧的音樂微笑如盛開的花朵善行如濁世的清流真理如久旱的甘霖。
- Beautiful beautiful natural scenery here, Castle Peak confrontation clear stream flow, lake barking like a string of pearl with a peg hangingdie ci connected falls short. 這裡自然風光清幽綺麗,青山對峙,澗流清澈,一汪汪潭水似明珠相串,一掛掛短小的瀑布迭次相連。
- They walked on through a tunnel into a ravine green with magnificent trees and ablaze with rare flowers. A clear stream welling up where the trees were thickest wound its way through clefts in the rocks. "說著;進入石洞來.;只見佳木蘢蔥;奇花閃灼;一帶清流;從花木深處曲折瀉於石隙之下"
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚藍的天空。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那樣,你只得自行辯白了。
- The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds. 飛機爬升穿出了雲層。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然轉向東流。
- May the love of husband and wife last like ever green mountains. May the affection of each couple flow on and on like clear streams. 恩愛夫妻情似青山不老,幸福伴侶意如碧水長流。
- Surrounding the small village are graceful mountains, emerald green layers of forests, and with clear streams and rivers wiggling by. 小村四周山峰俊秀,層林疊翠,清冽的流溪河蜿蜒而過。
- He greeted me with a stream of abuse. 他見到我就連聲辱罵。
- She played with her children,and gathered flowers for them along the way,and bahed them in the clear streams,and the sun shone on them. 她和孩子們一起玩耍,一路上采著花,在清澈的小溪里洗澡,在明媚的陽光下沐浴。
- He uttered a stream of profanities. 他說出了一連串不敬的話。
- He got over the stream with a single leap. 他一躍就跳過了小溪。