- Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence. 她突然之間被晴空亂流嚇死了。
- Hot clear air force one and air jordan series! 炎熱和空氣明確約旦空軍一號系列!
- Control valve in an air system for setting volume and pressure. 為了保持流量和壓力的空氣系統的控制閥門。
- I love the cooling breezes, the clear air, all the greenery. 我喜歡涼涼的微風、清凈的空氣,和這片綠意盎然的大地。
- As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day. 好似在純凈的空氣間聽到百靈清脆之音。
- We lifted our heads to breathe in the fresh, clear air. 我們抬起頭, 吸進新鮮、乾淨的空氣。
- Craigie Hill.Blue Mountain River.Lark in the Clear Air. 喜歡靜靜的夜裡,聽這張專輯,純凈的聲音。
- The secondary air system on the cylinder reduce the emission of the exhaustgas. 汽缸體上設置二次補氣系統,有效降低排放。
- General Ventilators 、 Make-up Air Systems etc. 一般通風設備、空調箱等。
- How often does severe clear air turbulence occur over tropical oceans? 熱帶海洋晴空發生強氣流渦動的頻率如何?
- We are getting into clear air turbulence emergency descent to 8000m. 我們進入晴空顛簸,緊急下降到8000米。
- Now he knows his way around the boat, sir, he knows the engines, the compressed air system, the batteries, all that. 長官,他對艦上的事是懂的,象機器、空氣壓縮系統、電池組什麼的,他全懂。
- Calculation and comparison between the fan-coil add new air system and VRV system were proposed in the paper. 選用普通間冷風機盤管加新風系統和變頻系統與數碼渦旋系統進行比較計算。
- In the year 2007,Central Fresh Air System ,branded Venson entered China formally . 2007年,聞森品牌中央新風系統正式入駐中國。
- There are six dampers, which are double louver type and which are equipped with the seal air system. 有六塊檔板,都是雙擋板並帶有密封空氣系統。
- The fog seemed to hold the moonlight in suspension, rendering it more pervasive than in clear air. 這霧好象把月亮的光懸在半空,使它比起在晴朗的空氣里,更顯得到處瀰漫。
- For a typical single duct air system there will be one zone supply air path and one zone return air path. 對於典型的單管空調系統,一般由一條區域送風路徑和一條區域迴風路徑組成。
- Forced air systems send heated air through ductwork. 機械通風通過管道系統來輸送熱空氣。
- The seal air system ensures a zero leakage by blowing air between the damper blades. 空氣密封系統通過用空氣對檔板葉片的密封來確保無泄漏。
- It is this that gives my soul all it's joyous elation, As I hear the sweet lark sing in the clear air of the day. 這足以給我靈魂帶來快樂好似在純凈的空氣中聽到百靈鳥的歌聲。