- The intense heat has dried up the pond. 酷熱使池水乾枯。
- The mayor is determined to clean up the city. 市長決心清除市內的不良現象。
- You should always clean up the room. 你應該經常清理房間。
- We should clean up the past-due bills. 我們應該清理逾期票據。
- With a stick he stirred up the mud in the pond. 他用地根棍子把池塘里的泥攪了起來。
- After the christmas dinner, we all pitch in to clean up the house. 耶誕晚餐後,我們全都動手幫助清理房子。
- She made zealous efforts to clean up the classroom. 她非常熱心地努力清掃教室。
- The mayor has decided to clean up the city. 市長決定清除城市裡的一切不良現象。
- Let's start in and clean up the kitchen. 咱們開始打掃廚房吧。
- She is cleaning up the kitchen now. 她現在正在打掃廚房。
- Clean up the pieces of broken bottle. 把瓶子的碎片打掃乾淨。
- Industries are beginning to help clean up the air. 工業開始幫助凈化空氣。
- I was sent back to clean up the mess. 我被派回來收拾殘局。
- Who will clean up the cat's mess in the bedroom? 誰去清除卧室里的貓屎?
- The child was stirring up the mud at the bottom of the pond. 那個小孩在攪動池底的泥巴。
- Let us start in and clean up the kitchen. 咱們開始打掃廚房吧。
- It took me all afternoon to clean up the kitchen. 我花了整個下午的時間把廚房打掃乾淨。
- Would you please clean up the mess? 請你把這些骯髒的東西清理掉好嗎?
- We should clean up the dirty parts of the sea. 我們應該清除海里的污染部分。
- You could help clean up the city park. 你可以幫助清理城市公園。