- The monitor collected the exercise books after the class was over. 下課後,班長把練習冊收了起來。
- The children galloped home as soon as the class was over. 孩子們一下課便飛奔回家了。
- The class was over, the boys and girls raced to the sports ground. 下課了,男孩女孩們朝操場跑去。
- The monitor collectedthe exercise books after the class was over. 下課後,班長把練習冊收了起來。
- The boys ran out of the classroom as soon as the class was over. 一下課孩子們就跑出了教室。
- Xiao Liu got into a library as soon as class was over. 小劉一下課就到圖書館去了。
- As soon as the class was over, he ran directly to the washroom. 一下課,他就直奔廁所去了。
- When the class was over, the students made their way out of the classroom. 下課後學生們從教室走了出來。
- When class was over, the students left the classroom one after another. 下課後,學生們一個接一個地離開了教室。
- The art class was over, but Vashti sat glued to her chair. Her paper was empty. 美術課結束了,但沃詩提還沒有走。她坐在位子上,畫紙仍舊是一片空白。
- After bell ringiing at noon, the classed are over and the children galloping to the 「mess hall」. 簡易的食堂前擠滿了學生,新的食堂還沒有建好。
- Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 讓我們希望這個不公正的時期很快結束吧。
- The other students in my class are from Italy. 我班其餘同學都是義大利人。
- At last,even the media lost its confidence. In the voices of the class was over,uncle Shi had to go. 最終,連媒體也失去了信心,在一片下課聲中,施大爺只好收山了。
- As soon as class was over, the children dashed into the playground, shouting and laughing. 一下課;孩子們就喊著;笑著跑到了運動場.;(一就)
- Our maths classes are pretty deadly. 我們的數學課非常枯燥。
- Sometimes after my morning classes were over, I used to encounter Lena downtown, in her velvet suit and a little black hat. 有時候,上午的課上完以後,我在熱鬧街上碰到莉娜,穿一身天鵝絨的衣服,戴一頂黑色小帽。
- Most students in this class are fifteen. 這個班的大多數孩子都十五歲。
- They are over thirty but still childless. 他們已年過三十,但還沒有孩子。
- The most difficult days are over. 最困難的日子已經過去了。