- The noise of traffic is a constant irritant to city dwellers. 車輛的噪音對城市居民是永無止境的騷擾。
- The traffic noise is a constant irritation to city dwellers. 車輛的噪音對城市居民是永無止境的騷擾。
- The culture or way of life of city dwellers. 城市主義城市居民文化或生活方式
- By 2025 there will be five billion city dwellers. 到2025年將出現50億城市居民。
- Many city dwellers live in apartment buildings. 許多城市居民住在公共住宅樓里。
- City dwellers are more likely to go to restaurants and parks. 城市的居民去飯店和公園的機會比較多。
- They have transformed themselves into permanent city dwellers. 他們已成為永久的城市居民。
- City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes. 城裡人以為鄉下人思想迂腐。
- The zoo offers fatigued city dwellers a place for recreation. 動物園給疲憊的城市居民提供一個娛樂的場所。
- If city dwellers do have an appetite for the square melon,they'll have to pay. 如果都市居民確實對它感興趣,他們會願意掏錢去買。
- If city dwellers do have an appetite for the square melon, they'll have to pay. 如果都市居民確實對它感興趣,他們會願意掏錢去買。
- Now, making handicraft s is becoming a hot trend among young city dwellers. 現在,手工藝品製作正在成為年輕的城市居民的新寵。
- More city dwellers moved to live in skyscrapers from their old bungalows. 更多的城市居民從他們的老平房裡搬到了摩天大樓。
- Now, making handicrafts is becoming a hot trend among young city dwellers. 現在,在很多年輕的城市居民中,手工製造已成為一股熱潮。
- We, busy city dwellers, often fail to take advantage of our many opportunities for cultural enjoyment. 我們忙碌的城市居民常常錯過許多文化享受的機會。
- We,busy city dwellers,often fail to take advantage of our many opportunities for cultural enjoyment. 我們忙碌的城市居民常常錯過許多文化享受的機會。
- Lovely as pets are, it is by no means appropriate for city dwellers to keep them in their houses. 雖然寵物很可愛,但是城市居民在家裡養寵物是絕不合適的。
- In any case, many impoverished city dwellers do not have money for fresh groceries. 而且許多貧困的城市居民也沒錢買這些新鮮的食品。
- Fully aware of the importance of health, many city dwellers adore aerobic exercise. 許多城市居民充分意識到健康的重要性,喜歡進行有氧運動。
- It might help city dwellers relieve a little stress if the beach environment was created in the city. 如果能在都市中感受悠閒氣息,這也是為都市人減壓的方法。