- circulative type transmission 循環型傳播
- External components for the oil pump pressure lubrication oil lubrication system of forced circulation type. 外部零件潤滑為油泵壓力供油強制循環式潤滑系統。
- The city gleans and collects scraps people contribute to development of circulation type city society, while they also bring a series of social problems of city administration. 城市拾荒者在為循環型城市社會的發展做出貢獻的同時,也給城市管理帶來了一系列的社會問題。
- This work is one branch of the project named The Theory and New Type Transmission Pair Based on Bertrand Surface (No. 50275017), which is supported by National Science Foundation of China. 本課題屬國家自然科學基金的資助項目「基於貝特朗曲面的傳動原理與新型傳動的研究(編號 50275017)」的子課題。
- forced circulation type evaporator 強制循環蒸發器
- atmospheric circulation type water cooler 空氣循環式水冷器
- shaft circulation type hydraulic turbine 軸流轉槳式水輪機
- ECI new type transmission layer application mode ECI傳輸層網路應用新模式
- circulation type x-ray tube cooler 循環型X線管冷卻器
- suppressed carrier type transmission 抑制載波發射
- general atmospheric circulation type 大氣環流型
- the slipper - type transmission system of cutter 滑塊式割刀傳動機構
- resource circulation type dwelling house 資源循環型住宅
- A low-pass filter is used to separate the flow into synoptic and subsynopticscalecomponents. There are two examples of typhoon storm rainfall-Andy (1982) andWayne (1983). They are with similar tracks, but their circulation types are different. 本文利用一個空間濾波器將物理量分解為天氣尺度和次天氣尺度,以兩個路徑相似但環流形勢不同的颱風暴雨作為例子,對不同尺度的環流及其動能平衡進行診斷研究,結果表明:中、低緯環流系統能否進行相互作用是決定颱風暴雨強度和範圍的一個重要條件。
- Pound notes have been withdrawn from circulation. 一英鎊面值的鈔票已停止流通。
- Design of Suspension Bracket Type Transmission Operating Mechanism 懸挂托架式變速器操縱機構的設計實踐
- Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood. 哈唯發現了血液循環。
- We observed the circulation of blood in frogs. 我們觀察了青蛙的血液循環。
- The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation. 舊硬幣已經收回不再流通了。
- Many forged notes are in circulation. 許多假鈔在流通。