- To choose places of scenic Beauty 選勝尋幽
- famous mountains and scenic spots; places of scenic beauty 名山勝境
- Beijing has many places of historic interest and scenic beauty. 北京有很多歷史名勝和景點。
- What is it that makes Guilin a place of such surpassing scenic beauty? 桂林山水為何這樣美?
- Visit places of scenic Beauty 尋幽覽勝
- Today I'm here for sightseeing. Will you recommend me some places of historic interest and scenic beauty? 今天我是來觀光旅遊的,請向我推薦些歷史名勝和自然景德鎮觀。
- Nature reserves and important scenic spots designated by the State,major sites of immovable historical relics and places of historical interest and scenic beauty that are under State protection. 國家規定的自然保護區、重要風景區,國家重點保護的不能移動的歷史文物和名勝古迹所在地。
- With the verdant greenery Erhai Lake as its center, the scenic spot and place of historic site of Dali constitute one of the major places of historic interest and scenic beauty of China. 洱海是雲南省第二大內陸淡水湖泊,風光明媚,素有「高原明珠」之稱,為國家級重點風景名勝區。
- What are known as Guansuo Peak and Shaijia Mountain are two other places of scenic interest. 關索嶺,是另一處著名景點。
- The mausoleum on Bridge Hill covers a total area of some four square kilometres, consisting of the tomb and the Memorial Temple of the Yellow Emperor. Covered all over by dark-green cypresses and pines, it is a place of great scenic beauty. 橋山陵區的面積約4平方千米,滿山蒼松翠柏,景色誘人,陵區內有黃帝廟和黃帝陵兩處勝跡。
- The state protects places of scenic and historical interest,valuable cultural monuments and relics and other important items of China's historical and cultural heritage. 國家保護名勝古迹、珍貴文物和其他重要歷史文化遺產。
- The scenic beauty of the place entranced [fascinated] the visitors. 這裡的美麗風光把遊客們迷住了。
- places of historic interest and scenic beauty 名勝古迹
- A place of ideal beauty or loveliness. 樂園,極美的所在理想中美麗或可愛的地方
- This area of scenic beauty, tea gardens everywhere boarding an elevation of 1304 meters the Tsim Peak, overlooking beautiful landscape, Fukan bluffs overlooking cliffs, Shashi-concept. 本區風光明媚,茶園處處登臨海拔1304公尺的大尖山頂,遠眺景觀絢麗,俯看斷崖絕壁,煞是狀觀。
- In the end they reached a place of safety. 他們終於到達了一個安全的地方。
- I don't choose the time or place of their meetings. 他們何時何地開會不是我說了算。
- There are a lot of scenic spots in Dan Yang. 丹陽的風景點很多。
- It should be noted that the chosen place of delivery has an impact on the obligations of loading and unloading the goods at that place. 需要說明的是,交貨地點的選擇對於在該地點裝貨和卸貨的義務會產生影響。
- There are a lot of scenic spots in Zunyi. 遵義的風景點很多。