- Function dialog boxes are usually summoned from a menu. 功能對話框通常從菜單打開,它們是最常見的模態對話框。
- Press F6 again to select from a menu of commonly-used boot parameters. 再次按下F6來從普通使用的啟動參數菜單上選擇。
- Shall we pick several dishes from this menu? 我們要從菜單上點兒樣菜嗎?
- Pictorial representation of an option available from a menu on the machine screen or software system. 在機器屏幕或者計算機系統中可使用的菜單選項的圖形表示。
- choose dishes from the menu 點菜
- It may be that later the program could contain a sleep command that allows the user to pause the game from a menu selection. 或許以後程序可以包含一個睡眠命令來允許用戶從菜單選擇中暫停遊戲。
- The news comes from a reliable source. 這消息來自可靠的來源。
- The new "How Do I" feature gives readers the ability to select from a menu of commonly performed tasks to quickly drill down to the documentation for those tasks. 新的「如何實現」功能使讀者可以從常用任務菜單中進行選擇,以快速深入到這些任務的文檔。
- I look at this problem from a different viewpoint. 我從不同的觀點來看這個問題。
- Nancy unpacks dishes from a box and puts them in the cupboards. A plate almost slips out of her hands, but she catches it in time. 南茜打開包裹,從箱子里把碗碟拿出來,放進櫥櫃里。一個盤子差點從手裡滑下來,幸好她及時抓住了。
- A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body. 健全的精神是與健康的身體是不可分割的。
- The novel originally came from a true love affair. 這本小說原先是從一個真實的愛情故事發展而來的。
- These are all delicious dishes from Thailand. 快來參加我們的主題活動吧!
- A kite dangles from a telephone wire. 一隻風箏懸挂在電話線上晃來晃去。
- He is siphoning out petrol from a tank. 他在從油罐里吸出汽油。
- The procedure below illustrates a copy procedure that can be called from a child form menu, a menu on the MDI form, or a toolbar button. 下面的過程闡釋了可以從子窗體菜單、MDI窗體菜單或工具欄按鈕調用的複製過程。
- She's still recovering from a bout of flu. 她這次患流行性感冒還沒有完全恢復。
- The solution is to make one computer capable of booting any of a number of operating systems from a menu when you first start the machine. 解決方案是使計算機可以在剛啟動機器時從菜單中選擇引導任何一個操作系統。
- A dish made of food remaining from a previous meal. 殘羹剩菜上一頓飯菜中剩下的部分所做成的一道菜
- The Taipei Food Festival will feature dishes from around the world. 台北美食展以來自世界各地的美食作為號召。