- His performance made people choke with laughter. 他的表演令人噴飯。
- His chins and belly shook with silent laughter. 他強忍微笑,下巴和肚子不停地顫動著。
- Ida was choking with the dry air. 空氣乾燥,艾達感到喘不過氣來。
- The garden is choked with weeds. 花園雜草叢生。
- I see her close beside me with silent lips sad and tremulous. 我看見她緊靠在我的身旁,嘴唇默默地顫粟。
- With silent lips and bated breath all stood with eyes fixed upon Jesus. 大家都閉口屏息地站在那裡,定睛望著耶穌。
- The chimney is almost choked with soot. 煙囪幾乎被煙垢堵塞了。
- The channel is almost choked with silt. 水渠里淤了很多泥沙。
- The gutters were choked with filth. 街溝中淤積著污物。
- The sewage pipes were choked with rubbish. 垃圾阻塞了污水管道。
- Objective To evaluate the values of visual retention test (VRT) in the patients with silent brain infarction (SBI). 目的 評估視覺保持測驗 (VRT)在無癥狀性腦梗死 (SBI)中的應用價值。
- Air elementals are the fastest and most agile of the elementals, moving with silent grace. 空氣元素是速度最快且最敏捷的元素,他們行走起來安靜而且優雅。
- The chimney was choked with soot. 煙囪被煤灰堵塞了。
- His voice was choking with rage. 他氣得聲音哽咽。
- She choked with rage, her two fists uplifted. 她高舉雙拳,氣得喘不過氣來。
- The pond was choked with rotten leaves. 池塘被腐爛的葉子塞滿了。
- The road was choked with heavy traffic. 這條路發生嚴重的交通堵塞。
- She flung him a look of arch triumph, which caused that diplomatist almost to choke with envy. 她得意洋洋地瞧了他一眼,臉上的表情著實頑皮,那外交官妒忌得差點一口氣上不來。
- Some voice choking with emotion. 聲音有些哽咽。
- He slammed the door with a vehement fury. 他憤怒地用力把門關上。