- Snubby Nose liked the idea of wintergreen candy. 翹鼻子喜歡薄荷糖的主意。
- Wintergreen was a snide little punk who enjoyed working at cross-purposes. 溫特格林是個不誠實的小無賴,專喜歡製造矛盾。
- The common wintergreen having many-flowered racemes of pink-tinged white flowers; Europe and North America. 普通冬青,有帶有粉色白花的多花總狀花序;歐洲和北美。
- Many popular mouthwashes contain flavor oils, including menthol, eucalyptol and methyl salicylate (wintergreen oil). 而許多常用的漱口藥水則含有芳香油,包括薄荷腦、桉葉醇以及柳酸甲酯(冬青油)。
- Ingredients: Artemisias, Artemisia,Citronella, Wintergreen, Tea Tress, Verbena, Sea Salt, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil. 成分:抹草、艾草、香茅、愈創木、茶樹、冬青、馬鞭草、橄欖油、葵花油、椰子油。
- Wintergreen allows communication to occur between verbal and nonverbal kingdoms. 鹿蹄草允許語言世界與無言世界之間的交流。
- Snubby Nose liked the idea of wintergreen candy. He hugged Doctor Cotton-Tail and stopped crying at once. 翹鼻子很喜歡吃薄荷糖的主意。他馬上止住哭聲,給了棉尾巴大夫一個擁抱。
- Wintergreen stimulates assimilation of fatty acids into the cells so that they can regenerate more readily. 鹿蹄草促進細胞對脂肪酸的吸收,以使它們更好再生。
- All this time Snubby Nose sat up in his pink wrapper drinking tea out of a pink cup and eating pink wintergreen candy. 在這一切發生的時候,翹鼻子穿著他的粉色晨衣坐起來,從粉色茶杯里喝著茶,吃著粉色的薄荷糖。
- Small amounts of wintergreen in the bath, mouth wash, or toothpaste or hair products is therefore helpful to regeneration of skin, mouth and hair. 在沐浴、漱口、刷牙或洗髮時用少量鹿蹄草,因此是對皮膚、口腔與頭髮的再生有益的。
- Chewing gum is available in a wide variety of flavors, including mint, wintergreen, cinnamon and various types of fruit. 口香糖有多種口味,包括薄荷、鹿蹄草、肉桂及其他各種水果味。
- Grandpa Grumbles felt in his overcoat pocket and took out sixteen pieces of Wintergreen candy.It was pink wintergreen candy of course! 牢騷爺爺在外衣口袋裡摸索,摸出16塊兒薄荷糖給他,當然啦,是粉紅色的薄荷糖!
- Wintergreen like spearmint and peppermint stimulate the senses allowing more blood to flow to the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth or nose and sinuses. 鹿蹄草就象綠薄荷與歐薄荷一樣,促進感官以允許更多血液流經口腔、鼻腔或竇腔的皮膚或粘膜。
- UST's Skoal and Copenhagen are the largest U.S. brands of snuff, finely ground tobacco a user tucks between the lip and gum to extract nicotine and flavoring such as wintergreen. UST公司的斯庫爾和哥本哈根是美國最大的鼻煙品牌,是使用鼻煙的人放在嘴唇和齒齦之間的、吸取尼古丁和鹿蹄草等香料的、經過精細磨碎的煙草。
- The 200-year-old brand is banking this new product on the popularity of the wintergreen flavor, which is largest in the MST segment, at 40 percent, he noted. 他提到,這個200年的悠久品牌推出了暢銷的冬青口味,這個口味在濕鼻煙領域中所佔份額最大,為40%25。
- Key Ingredients: contain mineral microelements and vitamin complex, alga, aweto, bamboo leaves flavone, liquorice, coenzyme Q10, medlar, bison grass, galanga, wintergreen. 輕輕以指腹將本品均勻塗抹於面部及頸部易鬆弛干紋細紋周圍。令肌膚均勻亮澤、柔潤緊緻。;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Key Ingredients: contain mineral microelements and vitamin complex, coenzyme Q10, bamboo leaves flavone, liquorice, bison grass, galanga, and wintergreen. 潔面及爽膚后,取適量塗沫於面部和頸部,輕輕按摩至皮膚充分吸收即可。
- Pure oil of wintergreen is naturally extracted from the leaves and berries of the wintergreen plant and contains 99% methyl salicylate, a compound closely related to the anti-inflammatory aspirin. 冬青油的純天然提取的葉和果實的冬青植物,並包含99 %25水楊酸甲酯,複合密切相關的抗炎阿司匹林。
- a liquid ester with a strong odor of wintergreen; 帶有濃烈鹿踢草氣味的液體酯;
- forrest wintergreen root or leaf 大透骨消