- Open the vacuum chamber to take out the flask. 打開真空爐?取出鑄造瓶。
- I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing. 我會在辦公室里研究究竟該怎麼判。
- Narrow stairs lead from the side of the chamber to the upper floor. 通過房間這面的狹窄樓梯可以到達更高一層。
- My heart raise to throat when the coaster reached the highest point. 過山車到達最高點的時候,我的心都提到嗓子眼兒了。
- When the switchback got to the culmination,my heart was suspended to throat. 過山車到達最高點的時候,我的心都提到嗓子眼兒了。
- He roamed from chamber to chamber with hurried, unequal and objectless steps. 他漫無目的地從一個房間遊盪到另一個房間,步子時大時小,但總是十分急促。
- He did not wear his heart on his sleeve, and when he left his chambers to walk to that last meeting, his face was much as usual. 他並不感情外露,當他離開辦公室去參加最後一次會議時,他的臉色跟平常一樣。
- Sizes range from small benchtop chambers to full walk-in rooms. 尺寸大小從小型的案頭試驗室到可以行走進入的房間。
- I want something to soothe sore throat. 我要可以治喉痛的葯。
- Later doctors classified the diseases according to information of the throat,tonsillitis,acute throat trouble,aphonia due to throat disease,etc. 後世醫家根據病證特點分別獨立為喉痹、乳蛾、喉風、喉喑等疾病。
- Cancer of the oesophagus is linked especially to smoking and alcohol abuse but hot beverages have also been considered a risk factor, possibly because of damage to throat tissue. 食管癌被認為特別是和吸煙和酗酒聯繫在一起的,但是,熱的飲料也已經被思考成為其患病的因素之一,其原因可能是在於它對於咽喉組織的傷害吧。
- Each rail width of setting chamber to be adjusted by a driving motor including transmit box at the same time. 每室軌道寬窄藉傳動馬達含動箱作同時調整。
- This solid generant buns in an enclosed chamber to produce harmless nitrogen gas. 這種物質燃燒時會產生無害的氮氣。
- The king retired to his chamber. 國王回到他的房裡休息了。
- Every time that he entered (Her) chamber to see her, He found her supplied with sustenance. 宰凱里雅每次進內殿去看她,都發現她面前有給養,他說:「麥爾彥啊!
- I heard you. There's no need to jump down my throat. 我聽到了,沒必要粗暴地與我講話。
- Protesters managed to climb the railings and break into the debating chamber to stage a sit-in. (「Wagner, perhaps? 示威者爬過欄杆,闖入辯論廳舉行靜坐。("華格納音樂,行嗎?
- Janus had activated the emergency disconnect on his diagnostic chamber to get him out. 雅努斯把他從診斷室緊急的拉出來。
- And Micaiah said, Behold, thou shalt see on that day when thou shalt go into an inner chamber to hide thyself. 以色列王對約沙法說、我要改裝上陣.你可以仍穿王服。於是以色列王改裝、他們就上陣去了。
- The ratio of schoolboys to schoolgirls is 2 to 1. 男學生和女學生的比例是2比1。