This article stresses on designing, arrangement of boreholes concentrated charges, bar charges, selection of blasting parameters, tamping and initating circuits. 論述了硐室爆破的設計方案,葯室布置,集中藥包,條形藥包,爆破參數選擇,裝葯填塞和起爆網路等。
The paper introduces the method for determining resonable chamber blastingparameters by the blasting funnel test in Yugou Limestone Mine. 介紹了峪溝石灰石礦的硐室爆破中通過爆破漏斗試驗確定合理的硐室爆破參數的方法。
The disign method and features of coyote blasting in quarrying rockfill material for the Doulingzi hydro power project are described. 介紹了陡嶺子水電工程堆石料採用硐室爆破開採的設計方法和特點。