- The new library was built in the centre of the campus. 新圖書館建在校園的中心。
- In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of the controversy. 伽利略在世之日一直是激烈的論戰中心。
- The ball of the thumb,ie the part near the palm. 大拇指下面近掌心的球形部分。
- The gang rob shopkeeper in the centre of the town. 犯罪團伙在市鎮中心搶劫商店老闆。
- Although London is Britain's capital it is not at the centre of the country. 倫敦雖是英國的首都,但並非位於全國的中心。
- Rent is high in the centre of the town. 市中心的租金貴。
- She is in the centre of the front row. 她在前排中間。
- The lift is fit in the centre of the stairwell. 樓梯井中安裝了電梯。
- The school stands in the centre of the village. 學校位於村的中心。
- A huge machine is in the centre of the workshop. 一台巨大的機器在車間的中央。
- Parking is difficult in the centre of the city. 在市中心停放車輛是很困難的。
- His practice is in the centre of the city. 他的事務所位於市中心.
- She stood in the centre of the room. 她站在屋子中央。
- Our office is in the centre of the town. 我們的辦公樓在市中心。
- In the centre of the square stands ahigh monument. 廣場中央聳立著很高的紀念碑。
- When she crouchs in your the centre of the palm, therefrom is born she resembles, make a person accident and infatuate. 當她蜷縮在你的掌心中時,她就像是從那裡誕生的,令人意外而著迷。
- This is the shopping centre of the city. 這是該市的商業中心。
- Red fox racoon dog sees small gold monkey jumps so well, urgent procurable the centre of the palm perspired. 紅狐狸看到小金猴跳得這麼好,急得手掌心都出汗了。
- He hit the centre of the target. 他擊中了靶心。試比較