- The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的牆來傳達訊息。
- The prisoner raped out a message on the cell wall. 那囚犯敲打囚室的牆來傳達訊息。
- The growth of successive layers of a cell wall. 敷著,附著細胞壁連續層的生長
- Fosfomycin functions by inactivating an essential enzyme involved in the formation of the bacterial cell wall. 它的作用機理是通過抑制參與細菌細胞壁的形成的酶而起到殺菌作用。
- The combined cell then generates a new cell wall. 這樣一來,已混合的細胞就會長出新的細胞壁。
- The cavity bounded by a plant cell wall. (管)腔,細胞壁周圍的空間
- We can not see the cell wall with our naked eye. 我們的肉眼是看不到植物的細胞壁的。
- The cell wall is peculiar for a plant cell. 細胞壁是植物細胞特有的。
- At the same time, using enzyme (cellulose enzyme) destroy cell wall, preparatory study on extracting leaf protein by enzyme was conducted. 同時,用酶法(纖維素酶)對細胞進行破壁,並對酶法提取葉蛋白效果進行了初步的研究。
- It's a kind of mucopolysaccharide enzyme, which can hydrolyze the insoluble polysaccharides of Gram-positive bacteria cell wall and have an effect on sterilization. 本品為一種粘多糖溶解酶,可使構成革蘭陽性菌細胞壁的不溶性多糖水解而起殺菌作用。
- Lysozyme is an enzyme that destroys bacteria by disrupting their cell walls. 溶解酵素是一種通過破壞細菌細胞壁的方式消滅細菌的酶。
- An enzyme,such as a digestive enzyme,that functions outside the cell from which it originates. 外酶酶的一種,如消化酶,在細胞外發生作用
- Cutinization The impregnation of a plant cell wall with cutin. 角化作用(角質化):角質陸續侵滲植物細胞壁的過程。
- An enzyme, such as a digestive enzyme, that functions outside the cell from which it originates. 外酶酶的一種,如消化酶,在細胞外發生作用
- The root hair cell wall invaginates at the point of contact. 在接觸點上,根毛細胞壁內凹。
- One of the two silicified halves of the cell wall of a diatom. 瓣硅藻的兩片硅化的細胞壁之一
- The body needs cholesterol for digesting dietary fats, making hormones, building cell walls, and other important processes. 人體需要膽固醇來消化脂肪,合成荷爾蒙,細胞膜以及其他重要的合成過程。
- Study on the Function of 33 ku Cell Wall Protein of Candida utilis. 產朊假絲酵母細胞壁33ku蛋白的功能研究
- The epidermis is one layer with keratinized cell wall. 表皮細胞1層,細胞外壁角質化;
- Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. 癌細胞的細胞壁有一個強硬的蛋白質膜。