- It is believed that the early examination of abnormal gene is more important than that of cancer cell... 因此,異常基因的早期檢查比癌細胞的形態學檢查有重要的臨床意義。
- Bcl - 2 usually act against apoptotic cell death. 有時新生兒和2歲以內嬰幼兒的腹瀉和胃腸炎是由致病性E.
- Cell apoptosis is programmed cell death. 細胞凋亡是細胞的正常死亡。
- The degenerated oocytes are usually characterized by cell cycle arrest, meiotic disruption and abnormal gene expression.Epigenetic modification is also markedly changed. 退化的卵母細胞通常表現為細胞周期阻滯、減數分裂紊亂以及一些基因的表達異常,表觀遺傳修飾在此過程中亦發生了顯著改變。
- Abnormal genes mutating is the pathogeny of cancer. 癌症的病因就是反常的基因變異。
- Apoptosis is a different form of cell death from necrosis and an initiative cell death progress that is controlled by gene. 細胞凋亡是一種有別於細胞壞死的細胞死亡形式,是細胞在基因調控下有序死亡的過程。
- Programmed cell death factor 4(PDCD4) gene is a new anti-oncogene,which is firstly identified as a specific protein expressed in cell apoptosis. 程序性細胞死亡因子4(PDCD4)基因是首先在細胞凋亡中因一種表達特異的蛋白質而鑒別出來的一種新的抑癌基因。
- Abstract: Apoptosis is a morphological changes and programmed cell death (PCD) under the control of gene regulatory.Apoptotic pathway. 摘要: 細胞凋亡為一種形態學上的改變,是發生於基因調控下的細胞程序性的死亡。
- Cell death is associated with the presence of numerous engorged vacuoles. 細胞死亡伴隨出現大量充盈的囊泡。
- Abnormal deposition of senile plaques (SP), neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) , synapse loss and neuronal cell death are pathological changes which are commonly found in AD patient』s brain. AD患者腦中典型的病理改變包括老年斑(SP)的異常沉積、神經原纖維纏結(NFT)、突觸喪失以及神經元的死亡。
- This disease results from an abnormal gene on chromosome 4 which codes for a protein containing increased trinucleotide repeat sequences. 因4號染色體異常編碼引起,該基因編碼的蛋白質包括增多的三核苷酸重複序列。
- These changes encompass a diverse set of biological end points,such as kary-otypic abnormolities,gene mutation and amplification,and delayed reproductive cell death etc. 基因組不穩定性的生物終點包括核型異常、基因突變和基因擴增及延遲的細胞增殖性死亡等。
- Cell death is associated with the breakdown of adjoining cell walls. 細胞死亡是同鄰近細胞壁的解體相聯繫的。
- Programmed Cell Death of the Nucellar Cells in Ginkgo biloba L. 銀杏珠心組織的細胞程序化死亡。
- The abnormal gene fusion associated with prostate cancer occurs when one of two genes, ERG or ETV1, merges with a prostate-specific gene called TMPRSS2. 當ERG或ETV1兩種基因其中的一個與前列腺癌特異性基因TMPRSS2合併在一起時,這種基因融合就伴隨著前列腺腫瘤的產生。
- Human CPP32 gene which induced programmed cell death of eukaryotic cells, had distinct effects on different species yeast cells. 結果表明 :誘導真核細胞程序性死亡的人源 CPP32基因對不同種的酵母細胞的作用不同 ;
- Researchers have been examining human genes to find abnormal genes that cause cells to become cancer. 研究者一直在檢測人類基因,以找出引發細胞癌變的異常基因。
- Recent studies have suggested that apoptosis involved in nerve cell death following ICH. 最近的研究表明,凋亡機制參與了腦出血后神經細胞的死亡。
- Our study demonstrates that cyclosporine blocks IL-2 gene expression and activation induced cell death (AICD) of alloreactive T effector cells. 我們的研究表明,環孢素塊白介素-2基因的表達及活化誘導的細胞死亡( aicd )的同種異體反應性t效應細胞。
- So far there is not much to show,but at Britain Sanger Institute,for example,scientists are learning how to design drugs that counter the effects of abnormal genes. 到目前為止,這方面還沒有多少成效,但是比如在英國桑格研究中心,科學家正在研究怎樣發明可以抵消不正常基因作用的藥物。