- Warning: Misuse may cause injury or death. 警告:誤用可能會造成受傷或死亡。
- A SKILFUL ADULT GAME. NOT A CHILD'S TOY. MAY CAUSE INJURY. 成人用品;不是小孩玩具!請放置好飛鏢;不要讓小孩拿到.
- Damage: v. Cause injury to The car accident damaged his eyesight. 那次交通事故損傷了他的視力。
- Do not force the enema tip into rectum as this can cause injury. 不要強迫灌腸提示進入直腸,因為這可能會造成損傷。
- Objective:Indirect trauma to the mandible may cause injury of the TMJs. 目的:建立一種新的閉合性的間接性顳下頜關節創傷動物模型。
- Causing injury or suffering; damaging. 造成損害的,有害的引起傷害或痛苦的;造成損傷的
- European grass naturalized as a weed in North America; sharp-pointed seeds cause injury when eaten by livestock. 原生於歐洲,在北美作為野草種植;種子鋒利,對家畜有害。
- A car may be damaged in an accident,or it may cause injury to people and property. 汽車可能在車禍中受損或傷人毀物。
- Carers should keep their nails short and avoid wearing jewellery that may cause injury to the elders skin. 護老者應避免留長指甲或配戴飾物,以免弄傷長者的皮膚。
- Go inside a nearby sturdy building. Stay away from windows as flying debris could shatter glass and cause injury. 走進堅固的建築物,並遠離窗戶,以免空中飛舞的碎片砸破玻璃,弄傷自己。
- A car may be damaged in an accident, or it may cause injury to people and property. 汽車可能在車禍中受損或傷人毀物。
- Silent Guardian does not cause injury because of the shallow penetration depth of the millimeter wave. 由於毫米波穿透皮膚的深度較淺,所以「無聲衛士」不會使人致傷。
- Despite the sensation, the technology does not cause injury because of the low energy levels used. 由於主動拒止技術採用了低能量波束,儘管使人感覺高熱,但卻無傷害。
- From the point view of anatomy and physiology of juvenile, squat thrust exercise often cause injury of muscles and ligament concerned with spine movement, and menisci are torn. 根據少年運動員生理特點,負重深蹲起練習常可引起與脊柱活動關聯的肌肉和韌帶的損傷以及半月板的撕裂傷等。
- The change in circumstances which would create a situation in which the dumping would cause injury must be clearly foreseen and imminent. 傾銷將造成損害發生的情形變化必須是能夠明顯預見且迫近的。
- The change in circumstances which would create a situation in which the subsidy would cause injury must be clearly foreseen and imminent. 補貼將造成損害發生的情形變化必須是能夠明顯預見且迫近的。
- UV-curing systems require shielding to minimize personnel exposure to UV radiation.Exposure to UV radiation may cause injury to skin and eyes. UV光照設備應加裝隱蔽式幕簾,避免作業人員直接曝露於UV光源下,而傷害到皮膚或眼睛。
- Your child will usually be allowed to play while avoiding blows to the chest that might cause injury to the incision or breastbone. 通常允許患兒玩耍,同時要避免胸部用力,以免損傷胸部切口或胸骨。
- Injured parts were mainly on knee, articulatio crurotalaris and hard joint.Extracurricular activities could cause injury. 損傷部位多見於膝關節、距小腿關節、手關節等:課外活動是損傷的主要場合;
- If you fail to bring the matter to the attention of the appropriate third party and your coworker goes on to cause injury to someone else, how would you feel? 如果你未能讓應該知道這事的第三者注意到這件事情,進而讓你的同事傷害到別人,你將作何感受?