- Caught together with the loot 人臟並獲
- The goodwill is being sold together with the shop. 商店連同其商譽一併出售。
- The harlot was killed together with the fugitive. 那個妓女和逃犯一起被殺死了。
- The queen consort has come together with the king. 王后也隨同國王前來。
- Management should get together with the union. 資方應與工會在一起開個會。
- Grow up together with the children! 與孩子一起成長!
- How can we hug together with the fists closed? 想擁抱怎能握著拳頭?
- Have classes together with the Chinese Students. 跟中國學生一起上課。
- Have fun together with the children! 與孩子一起快樂!
- Study together with the children! 與孩子一起學習!
- He sold the house together with the furniture. 他把房子連同傢具一起出售。
- They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot. 他們把一塊石頭朝警察扔去,然後帶著錢溜掉了。
- She went into the ravine, together with the jewels. 她 連 同 那 些 珠 寶 一 起 掉 進 峽 谷 里 了 。
- He adhibits these papers together with the paste. 他用漿糊把這些紙張粘在一起。
- He sold the house,together with the furniture. 他把房子連同傢具一起都賣了。
- These new facts, together with the other evidence, prove the prisoner's innocence. 這些新的事實連同其他證據已證明在押者無罪。
- The police found a knife together with the stolen money, hidden in a hollow tree. 警察在一個樹洞里找到了藏匿的小刀,還有贓款。
- Now they are living happily together with the Hans. 現在他們和漢族人愉快地生活在一起。
- The bat together with the balls was stolen. 球拍和球全被偷了。
- She stapled the papers together with the stapler. 她用這個訂書機把這些紙釘在一起。