- BN's meat is higher than those of NN in content of some essential amino acids such as lysine, phenylalanine and methionine. BN肌肉蛋白質中的氨基酸種類齊全,含量豐富,賴氨酸、苯丙氨酸、和蛋氨酸等人體必需氨基酸的含量還有所提高。
- She gave some of the meat to the cat. 她把一些肉給貓吃了。
- The pampered cat refused to eat food without meat. 這隻被嬌慣的貓拒絕吃沒有肉的飯。
- As the largest pork producer and second largest poultry producer in the world, China』s meat industry is characterized by fragmented structure, where innumerous backyard farms dominate. 作為世界上最大的豬肉生產商和第二大家禽生產商,中國的肉類行業結構卻極其分散,以農戶散養為主。
- The sly cat stole the meat while the cook's back was turned. 淘氣的貓趁廚師轉身之機偷吃了肉。
- It is natural for a cat to catch mice. 貓捉老鼠是本能。
- The cat lapped up all the milk in the saucer. 貓把碟中的牛奶舐得乾乾淨淨。
- The old lady fondled her cat as it sat beside her. 老婦人撫摸著蹲在身邊的小貓。
- I can't bear having a cat in the house. 家中養貓我受不了。
- That guy thinks he's the cat's meow. 那個傢伙認為自己最了不起啦。
- I recoiled at seeing a dead cat on the road. 我在路上看見一隻死貓而向後退縮。
- The cat is a domestic animal in many countries. 貓在許多國家都是家養動物。
- The old cat quietly packed up in his sleep. 那隻老貓在睡夢中靜靜地死去。
- The cat looked very sleek and well fed. 這隻貓毛很光滑,看來喂得很好。
- The cat picked the meat from the bone. 貓啃了骨頭上的肉。
- A cat with no tail is an anomaly. 沒尾巴的貓是一隻畸形貓。
- The cat is on the prowl for mice. 貓在四處尋找耗子。
- My cat have its ear rip open by a dog. 我的貓的耳朵被狗咬破了。
- The cat uncurled (itself) sensuously. 那貓舒舒服服地伸了個懶腰。