- An elector is entitled to cast one vote for a list. 每名選民可投一票,支持一份參選名單。
- In one episode, she battles her pimples with Clinique』s skin care cosmetics. 劇中的一個場景是蘇菲用倩碧護膚化妝品戰勝青春痘。
- He also cast one ballot fot Mr.Wu. 他也投吳先生一票。
- The monkey' s skin has a rough feel. 猴子的皮膚有一種粗糙感。
- Successful marketing of similar cases such as P &G's skin Jia Shu. 類似的成功營銷案例如寶潔的舒膚佳。
- Rain beats a leopard\'s skin, but it does not wash out the spots. 雨水可以洗刷豹子的皮,但不能抹去它的斑點。
- For functional constituencies Nos.1 to 4, the preferential elimination system is used. Under this system, an elector is entitled to cast one vote. 至於編號1至4的功能界別,則採用按選擇次序淘汰的投票制度,每名選民可投一票。
- It is true, he cast one admiring glance at Judith, which was extorted by her brilliant and singular beauty. 確實,他也被朱迪思那光彩奪目、艷麗非凡的美色所吸引。
- For functional constituencies Nos.1 to 4,the preferential elimination system is used. Under this system,an elector is entitled to cast one vote. 至於編號1至4的功能界別,則採用按選擇次序淘汰的投票制度,每名選民可投一票。
- Results: Regionally outuse o f SPE may obviously improve histamine acid phosphate inducing itch on guinea pig′ s skin. 結果:蛇床子超臨界萃取物局部外用可顯著提高磷酸組織胺對豚鼠的致癢閾。
- The voting operates using a simple majority system in which each elector can cast one vote and the candidate with the most votes wins. 投票採用簡單多數的辦法,每個選民都有一票,獲得最多票數的那個候選人將當選。
- AIM: To study mouse s skin ulcer pharmacodynamics of Allantoin Compound Ointment. 目的:研究復方尿囊素乳膏對小鼠皮膚潰瘍的癒合作用。
- Sources close to Blues owner Roman Abramovich have denied he is ready to cast one of his favourite sons adrift quite yet. 據藍軍老闆身邊的消息來源反駁,羅曼.阿布拉莫維奇沒有預備把他其中的一個愛將棄之不顧。
- For now, information from Mercedes-Benz is limited to what's under the SLS's skin. 目前,信息賓士限於有什麼根據補充勞工計劃的皮膚。
- Objective To study the expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in rat s skin after injury. 目的探討創傷皮膚組織降鈣素基因相關肽(CGRP)的時間相關性表達,為損傷時間推斷提供實驗依據。
- Believer: A low sun and uneven surface can distort the angles of shadows in images. And if there are multiple light sources, why does each object only cast one shadow? 支持者:高度較低的太陽以及月球凹凸不平的表面會擾亂照片上影子的角度。而且如果說有多個光源的話,為什麼每個物體只有一個影子呢?
- The tiger』s skin and the other props were paid attention to by Pu Songling, which simulated the Sutra narrate. 「虎皮」,與其他相關道具一併得蒙蒲松齡青目,也可能模仿了佛經敘事。
- For martensitic high chromium cast iron, whether pre-impact or after impact, the metal mold cast one has better wear resistance than the sand mold cast one. 結果表明:當基體同為馬氏體時,金屬型高鉻鑄鐵的耐磨性在衝擊前、后都比砂型高鉻鑄鐵好,衝擊作用使金屬型高鉻鑄鐵的耐磨性略有降低而對砂型高鉻鑄鐵的耐磨性影響較小;
- Lord Siva\'s skin turned bluish as he drank the Halahala poison that came out of the Samudra manthan. 主濕婆的皮膚變成了藍色,因為他喝了哈拉哈拉的毒汁,變成了沙姆特拉(海洋,舞神?)
- Planeswalkers are permanents. You can cast one at the time you could cast a sorcery. When your planeswalker spell resolves, it enters the battlefield under your control. 鵬洛客屬於永久物。你在自己可以施放法術時就可以施放一個。當你的鵬洛客咒語結算時,它會在你的操控下進戰場。