- She teaches at Harvard s Department of Linguistics. 她在哈佛大學語言學系任教。
- She teaches at Harvard』s Department of Linguistics. 她在哈佛大學語言學系任教授。
- "This is really a remarkable find," said Professor Daniel J.Pullen, chairman of FSU's Department of Classics. 「這真是一個了不起的發現,」佛羅里達大學古希臘羅馬文學研究系主任丹尼爾.
- Maria del Carmen Casanovas is a Technical Officer in WHO's Department for Nutrition for Health and Development. 瑪莉安.;卡薩諾瓦斯是世界衛生組織與發展營養部的技術官員。
- Mr Hu met the KMT's departing chairman, Wu Poh-hsiung, in 2008. 2008年胡先生會見了國民黨前任主席吳伯雄。
- Under the terms of his will, his body was donated to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine s Department of Anatomy. 按照他的遺囑,其遺體捐獻給了辛辛那提大學醫學院解剖學系。
- Each minister whose department was ordered to be thus pruned, fought hard to shift the cuts to someone else 's department. 凡是需要減少預算的部門,其大臣必然會拚命反對,以圖把減少的部分轉嫁給其他部門。
- Coordinator in WHO's department of Health Statistics and Informatics, Carla Abou-Zahr, says there are a whole range of issues that hold countries back. 世衛組織健康統計暨資訊部門協調員阿布-察爾表示,有很多問題使一些國家停滯不前。
- The Geoscience Professional Development Centre (GPDC) is part of the University of Calgary』s Department of Geology and Geophysics. 地球科學專業人員發展中心(GPDC)隸屬於加拿大卡爾加里大學地質與地球物理學系。
- Ted Karpf, Partnerships Officer in WHO's Department of HI/AIDS, said: "This data demands that we continue to explore and expand the field. WHO的HI/AIDS部門的合作夥伴關係官員泰德.;卡布夫說:「這一研究數據說明,我們還有必要繼續擴大對該領域的研究。
- Steven Pinker, professor of psychology in MIT's Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, is the author of How the Mind Works (Norton, 1997). 史蒂芬品克,心理學教授在麻省理工學院的部腦和認知科學,是作者如何銘記工程(諾頓, 1997年) 。
- A cashier ran away with the day's takings. 出納員偷走了當天的進款。
- I strongly denounce the recent arrests of 10 Malaysians who attempted to submit a letter to the Prime Minister』s department in Putrajaya. 首相的這個舉動是非常不真誠的,他的政府至今仍未提出一個持久的解決方案,徹底解決國內印裔少數社群所面對的困境。
- The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings. 出納員攜帶該日營業收入逃走了。
- Maria del Carmen Casanovas is a technical officer (professor) in WHO's Department for Nutrition for Health and Development. 瑪利亞黛兒卡門凱瑟諾芙斯是世衛組織營養健康和成長部門的一位技術官員。
- Most men hate to shop.t That's why the men's department is usually on theirstnfloor of a department store, two inches frm the door. 大多數男人厭惡購物。這就是為什麼男士用品部通常位於百貨公司禱層,距離大門只有兩英寸。
- Most men hate to shop. That's jy the_ men's department is usually on the first floor of a departmentx tore, two inches ofrom the door. 在著裝方面,女人要比男人認真得多,因為我從來沒看到過這樣的情形一個男人去參加聚會,說哦,我的上帝,另外一個男人也穿著黑色的禮服,我太尷尬了,帶我離開這兒!
- The cashier recounted the money made that day. 收款人將那天賺的錢再數了一遍。
- The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver. 強盜用左輪手槍威脅出納員。
- The cashier juggled the accounts to hide his theft. 那個出納員竄改帳目,企圖隱瞞他盜用錢款的行徑。