- carry over (粉塵)帶出
- addition without carry (無進位加法)按位加
- freight也可指運輸工作Freight [U]also indicates the action of transporting
- abbr. 運費在內價(=Cost and Freight)C.F.
- 以下語句將LOAD許可權授予組The following statement grants the LOAD authority to the group
- cost and freight成本加運費(目的港)價格C.& F.
- Load方法的基本用法非常簡單The basic use of the Load method is quite straightforward
- 試比較 cargo、 freight、 goods這三個詞Compare cargo, freight and goods
- 雙擊要創建的事件,例如Load事件。Double-click the event that you want to create, for example the Load event.
- railway express and fast freight (運輸)特快服務
- 您可以下載Load程序及其所有的源代碼。You download the Load program and all its source code.
- insurance and freight (CIF)(成本加保險費運費)到岸價
- 由Application類用於保存load事件的事件參數。Used by the Application class to hold event arguments for the load event.
- 將「Freight」更改為5並將游標從該記錄移開以接受更改。Change the Freight to 5 and navigate off the record to accept the change.
- Exchange Load Generator模擬MAPI客戶端的性能負載。Exchange Load Generator simulates the performance load of MAPI clients.
- 在ANSI-89 SQL下,Access用Freight別名計算New Freight值,於是每個OrderID值增加10%。Under ANSI-89 SQL, Access calculates the New Freight value using the Freight alias, and therefore increases each OrderID by 10%25.
- 使用帶有Byte[]參數和Evidence的Load方法載入COFF圖像時,只使用提供的證據。When you use a Load method with a Byte[] parameter and Evidence to load a COFF image, only the supplied evidence is used.
- 在ANSI-92 SQL下,Access用Freight欄位計算New Freight值,於是每個Freight值增加10%。Under ANSI-92 SQL, Access calculates the New Freight value using the Freight field, and therefore increases each Freight by 10%25.
- 見景傷情
- 將數據從計算機內存傳送到外部設備,如prom編程器或盒式記錄器。同downline load。To transfer data from the computer memory to some ancillary online device, such as a PROM programmer or cassette recorder