- This is tantamount to refusal to carry out orders. 這等於拒絕執行命令。
- At all costs,such persons must first be made to carry out orders; first they must go where they are told,and other things can be dealt with later. 對這種人,不管三七二十一,要他先執行命令,先走了再說。
- A faithful follower who carries out orders without question. 忠誠跟隨者堅定不移地執行命令的忠實跟隨者
- At all costs, such persons must first be made to carry out orders; first they must go where they are told, and other things can be dealt with later. 對這種人,不管三七二十一,要他先執行命令,先走了再說。
- We are just carrying out orders, please understand and cooperate. 我們這是奉令而行,請你理解和配合。
- They were carrying out orders; certain people gave them the order to kill. 軍隊是執行命令,有人指使軍隊去殺的。
- Recently, perhaps jealous of the high ratings, perhaps simply carrying out orders from above, CCTV held a forum that criticized the show for debasing Chinese culture. 最近, 也許嫉妒高收視率,也許只是奉行上頭命令,CCTV 舉辦了一個對貶低的中國文化進行批評的論壇。
- The police will carry out a dawn raid. 警方將在拂曉展開突然搜查。
- Communists in the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies should set an example in fighting bravely,carrying out orders,observing discipline,doing political work and fostering internal unity and solidarity. 共產黨員在八路軍和新四軍中,應該成為英勇作戰的模範,執行命令的模範,遵守紀律的模範,政治工作的模範和內部團結統一的模範。
- She carry out all her pledge to the letter. 她不折不扣地履行了她的所有諾言。
- A field commander booming out orders. 戰地指揮官以低沉而有迴響的聲音發出號令
- He balked me to carry out my plan. 他阻止我實施我的計劃。
- He yelled out orders at everyone. 他大聲對每個人下命令。
- Communists in the Eighth Route and New Fourth Armies should set an example in fighting bravely, carrying out orders, observing discipline, doing political work and fostering internal unity and solidarity. 共產黨員在八路軍和新四軍中,應該成為英勇作戰的模範,執行命令的模範,遵守紀律的模範,政治工作的模範和內部團結統一的模範。
- First BdU was starved for information, and second, the lack of any radio message was misconstrued to mean that the u-boat was carrying out orders as assigned, rather than that the boat had been sunk. 首先潛艇指揮部缺乏信息,其次按章門,缺少無線電信息常常被誤解為U艇執行錯誤的命令,這比被擊沉還要糟糕。
- At all events, we will carry out the plan. 我們無論如何要執行這項計劃。
- Query, when will they carry out the project? 請問,他們什麼時候執行這一方案?
- He was found out before he could carry out his plan. 他的計謀還未實現就被人查獲了。
- The man refused to carry out the captain's orders. 那人拒絕執行隊長的命令。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新總統對不忠誠的陸軍軍官進行了一次整肅。