- Six color independent adjusting ink box, so it is prined for multi-color. 六色獨立可調油盤座,套色調整簡單方便。
- That night Tieh summoned me to his bedside to write his will. Stepmother held the candle and Elder Sister the ink box. 這天晚上深夜爹把我叫到床前去筆記遺囑,媽拿燭台,你們大姐端墨盒。
- Does the shower nozzle wash the ink box how to carry out a printer? Help me! ! ! 您的位置:我也知道>電腦/網路>硬體>怎樣進行印表機墨盒噴頭清洗?幫幫我!!!
- IMS software is used by GSE』s ink dispensing systems to carry out all ink logistics calculations, relating to recipes, press returns, stock management and remote diagnostics. IMS的軟體是用gse的油墨配藥系統進行所有的墨水物流計算,有關的食譜,新聞的回報,存貨管理和遠程診斷。
- Wholly speaking, the development of Li Keran"s ink style was a kind of procedure in which he has converged the methods of "texturing", "rubbing", "dotting", "dyeing". 並且,這三者之間存在著邏輯上的遞進關係,是畫家藝術創作理念發展變化的自然結果。
- Whenever blow,rain, old Beijing describes them is " calm 3 feet earth, have rain one street mud " , "Sunshine is censer, wet is ink box " . 每逢颳風下雨,老北京形容它們是「無風三尺土,有雨一街泥」,「晴天是香爐,雨天是墨盒」。
- The advantage of the monochromatic ink box of fission is the ink box that which kinds of color gave out to change which kinds of color, avoid meaningless waste. 分體的單色墨盒的好處是哪種顏色用完了就換哪種顏色的墨盒,避免無謂的浪費。
- These initialization Printhead and print paper orientation and reset the printer to the turn off the top cover Panel, on the ink box filled with ink and automatic nozzle cleaning the print heads, etc. 這些初始化處事包羅列印腳和列印紙張的定位與脫位,檢測印表機背板頂關是否關閉,差不朱水盒噴腳充不朱和被迫沖刷列印腳等。
- The carpenter was busy sawing the logs into planks. 這位木匠正忙著把圓木鋸成厚板。
- S inking the automatic reading of devices represents an offset printing press, offsctdruckereien equipment automation in today's world's top level. 版墨量自動讀版裝置的膠印機,代表了當今世界膠印設備自動化的頂尖水平。
- The carpenter flung aside all his tools in a rage. 木匠怒氣沖沖地將工具扔在一邊。
- He was bound out to a carpenter. 他被送去當木匠的學徒。
- Mr. Jones is a clever carpenter. 瓊斯先生是個巧木匠。
- Get a carpenter to look at those floorboards. 找一個木匠來檢查一下那些地板。
- My brother is a clever carpenter. 我的兄弟是個靈巧的木匠。
- The boy was apprenticed to a carpenter. 這個男孩被送去學木匠。
- Using virtual instruments to enhance ink box test speed 用虛擬儀器提高印表機墨盒的測試精度
- The carpenter told me how to use a bevel. 木匠告訴我怎樣用斜角規。
- The carpenter was wearing a pair of blue overalls. 那木匠穿著藍色的工裝褲。