- Scoggin JF,Whipple TL.Apotential complication of endoscopic carpal tunnel release[J].Art-hroscopy,1992(8):363. 艾興龍;沈福成.;腓總神經卡壓綜合征的顯微外科治療[J]
- It is ideal for procedures such as ganglion excision, trigger finger repair, remoal of foreign bodies, and carpal tunnel release. 用於神經節切除,扳機指修復,異物取出和腕管松解很理想。
- It is ideal for procedures such as ganglion excision, trigger finger repair, removal of foreign bodies, and carpal tunnel release. 用於神經節切除,扳機指修復,異物取出和腕管松解很理想。
- Carpal tunnel release via a short incision at the proximal palm of hand 經手掌近側小切口的腕管切開松解減壓術
- Intraoperative distal motor latency as a predictor of carpal tunnel release 探討腕管綜合征術中電生理檢測指標與預后的關係
- Carpal tunnel release using universal subcutaneous endoscope system: anatomical study and clinical application 內窺鏡下腕管松解術的應用解剖及臨床應用
- Keywords Carpal tunnel syndrome;Median nerve compression;Endoscopic carpal tunnel release;Minimal invasion; 腕管綜合征;正中神經減壓術;內窺鏡;微創手術;
- Methods A total of 30 endoscopic procedures in 25 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTR) were performed. 方法 2 5例 30腕腕管綜合征 ,在內窺鏡指導下切開腕管。
- carpal tunnel release 腕管解除, 腕管松解
- Objective To study the force and pressure transmission through normal wrist, and the effect of transverse carpal ligament release on the biomechanics of carpal tunnel. 摘要目的研究正常腕部載荷傳遞及關節接觸應力分佈情況,以及腕橫韌帶切除對腕部生物力學的影響。
- Padua and colleagues from the Italian Carpal Tunnel Study Group explain. 他們發現,男人往往較少抱怨疼痛不適,感覺手部功能好。
- McCain's wife has had previous surgeries for carpal tunnel syndrome. 麥凱恩的妻子早前做過腕管綜合症的治療手術。
- Invasive Treatments - Do They Really Work For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? 這一篇講到腕隧道症候群最常見的治療選擇,
- The release of TCL resulted in radial and palmar displacement of the scaphoid, flexion and radial rotation of radiocarpal joint as well as a further radial deviation of the whole carpal tunnel. 腕橫韌帶的切除導致舟骨發生向橈側和掌側的偏移,以及掌向屈曲和向橈側的轉動,而整個腕管結構則產生更大的橈側偏移。
- If you don't you could damage your eyes and develop a problem called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in your wrists. 不這樣的話你的眼睛就會受到損害,而且手腕可能患上腕關節綜合症。
- My mother worked in offices for twenty years, and she finally had carpal tunnel syndrome. 我的母親做了二十多年的辦公室工作,最後得了腕管綜合症。
- MRI is contributory to the diagnosis and treatment in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. 結論:MRI對腕管綜合征的診斷及治療方式的選擇有重要的意義。
- The doctors thought he had carpal tunnel syndrome- after all, he practiced piano about80 hours per week. 醫生以為他患了腕管綜合症,此後,他每周要練80小時的鋼琴。
- Human adults given growth hormone have suffered from acromegaly( excess bone growth) and carpal tunnel syndrome. 成年人給予生長激素,則會造成末端肥大(頭過度生長)及腕管綜合症。
- Objective: To observe and analyze the effects of three operative methods on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS). 目的:採用三種手術方法治療腕管綜合征(carpal tunnel syndrome,CTS)觀察其療效。