- Her future career prospects look dim. 她的前程看來很暗淡。
- What are the career prospects of the job? 這個事業的前景是什麼?
- I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects. 我和老闆就我的事業前景進行了一次長談。
- What are the career prospects for the graduates from this program? 從這個課程畢業的學生的職業前景如何?
- Full CPD training and promising career prospect to successful candidate. 提供免費CPD持續進修課程及優良前途予成功者。
- ONE sunny day last summer my colleague and I had a great chat on the career prospects of young civil engineers. 去年夏天,與同事閑聊,談及年輕工程師的職業前途。
- We offer unlimited career prospects within our management team here and overseas. 加入到我們在國內和海外的經理層隊伍中來,你會前程無量。
- We offer attractive salary and benefit, excellent career prospects and training opportunities abroad. 我們提供優厚的工資和福利、美好的職業前景和國外培訓的機會。
- We offer excellent career prospects and attractive remuneration package to the right candidates. 對適合之應聘者,本公司能傳與美好前途及優厚工資。
- We offer the incumbent an excellent career prospect as well as an attractive working environment. 我們為職員提供廣闊的事業發展空間及優良的工作環境。
- All positions offer highly competitvve salaries, medical benefits and bonus. And of course, excellent training and career prospects. 所有職位都將獲得頗具競爭力的工資、醫療福利和年度獎金,當然,還有良好的培訓和職業前景。
- They want to work in China because it will improve their career prospects, broaden their horizons and some are following the trend. 他們想在中國工作,是認為這能有助事業發展、擴闊視野及認為北上發展是大勢所趨。
- These unfortunates will find that, while their career prospects aren't permanently foreclosed, the odds of great success are diminished. 那些不幸的人發現,他們的事業前途不會總是阻力但成功的幾率大打折扣。
- These unfortunates will find that, while their career prospects aren』t permanently foreclosed, the odds of great success are diminished. 這些不幸的人們將發現,儘管他們的職業前景並不會總是受阻,但成功的幾率大打折扣。
- Speakers from different employment sectors explained to students the latest development and career prospects in Hong Kong.The conference was chaired by Mr.H.S. 來自香港不同界別的講者會透過越洋視像會議,為就讀加拿大大學的香港留學生介紹及分析海外學生回港發展的最新情況及前景。
- Career prospects look bright, she added. She has auditioned for a soap opera, and a television network whose name she would not reveal has been in touch about a job. 前途很光明,她說到。她已經參加了一個肥皂劇的演員選拔,一個她不願透露名稱的電視台正打算請她加盟。
- The first chart reflects that with the increase in age, the percentages of people who study for career prospects decline while those who study out of pure interest prevail. 第一個圖反映出:隨著年齡的增長,出於職業發展原因而學習的學生比例逐漸下降,為愛好而學習的比重則逐漸加強。
- Career prospects look bright, she added. She has audi-tioned for a soap opera, and a television network whose name she would not reveal has been in touch about a job. 她補充說,她的職業前景還是很光明的。她已經參加了一部肥皂劇的試鏡,也和一家電視台接觸並商量關於工作的事情,而該台名稱其並未願意透露。
- Give credit to those who are currently engaged in the career prospects, personal employability have a full understanding of the best left some room for free by the time dilemma. 舉貸者對目前從事的職業前景、個人的就業能力等都要有充分的認識,最好留有一定的餘地,免得到時進退兩難。
- The number who "drop out" after one or two years is disturbingly large, though there is evidence that even incomplete university study gives a person better career prospects than none at all. 然而,有跡象表明,一個人即使大學肄業也比根本未上大學要有更好的就業前景。