- Study of Virtual Test Bench in Railway Cab Signal. 機車信號虛擬測試儀的研究
- To save time, you can use the Object Test Bench to quickly unit-test your code. 為節省時間,可以使用「對象測試工作台」對代碼執行快速的單元測試。
- Solution: Check that you are calling functions that Object Test Bench supports. 解決方案:檢查對象測試工作台是否支持您所調用的函數。
- Use Object Test Bench to invoke methods of classes in the.NET Framework. 使用對象測試控制台調用.;NET Framework中類的方法。
- Rebuilding the application can cause the Object Test Bench to reset. 重新生成應用程序可能導致對象測試工作台重置。
- The Object Test Bench is designed for simple object-level testing. 對象測試工作台是為簡單的對象級測試而設計的。
- Design ideas of the universal test bench for DKL/LCU are given and the software part is expounded. 介紹了通用型DKL/LCU邏輯控制單元測試台的設計思路,特別是對其軟體設計部分作了較為詳細的闡述。
- New Car Test Drive correspondent Sam Moses filed this report from San Antonio, Texas. 這一項新的汽車測試報告是請了來自聖安東尼奧,德克薩斯州的駕車通訊記者山姆摩西執寫。
- Object Test Bench works only on the StartUp project in the solution or in a referenced assembly. 對象測試工作台僅對解決方案或引用的程序集中的啟動項目有效。
- In the Object Test Bench window, right-click your class, and click Invoke Static Method. 在「對象測試工作台」窗口中右擊您的類,再單擊「調用靜態方法」。
- The Object Test Bench menus do not display the function if the function takes a variable parameter argument. 如果函數接受變數參數,則對象測試工作台菜單不顯示該函數。
- Cause: You have changed your code, and now Object Test Bench displays a version no longer in sync with your code. 原因:您更改了您的代碼,現在對象測試工作台顯示的版本不再與您的代碼同步。
- This section explains how to use the various windows that are displayed while running the Object Test Bench tool. 本節說明如何使用在運行對象測試工作台工具時顯示的各種窗口。
- The remote parameter control technology(RPC) is a test means ofsimulating actual vehicle driving road conditions in room test bench. 遠程參數控制技術(RPC)是一種在室內台架復現實際道路行駛狀況的試驗手段。
- Trends: most timely reports on the global trends of new cars and the quickest new car test drive reports. 新車前沿:第一時間報道全球新車動態,最快的新車試駕報告。
- A CVT performance test bench was also established. (7) The electro-hydraulic control scheme has been designed. 研製了CVT樣機的電液控制性能實驗台,完成了控制閥的性能實驗,並基於Fuzzy控制演算法設計了CVT電控系統的模糊控制器,在實驗台架進行了控制參數的整定,並進行了PID控制器和模糊控制器控制性能的分析比較。
- If your appeal is successful, the examination fee paid to the Car Testing Centre will be refunded to you. 假如上訴得直,指定驗車中心會退還驗車費用,但上訴費用則不會退還。
- For more information, see Designing and Viewing Classes and Types and Object Test Bench . 多的資料;見設計和觀賞班與類型的對象試驗台.
- Abstract : A test bench to simulate the quick start of the engine for the Start/stop HEV system was set up. 摘要 :針對一台進氣道噴射式的汽油機搭建了快速起動-停機模擬測試平台。
- The water resistance test bench is vital equipment for the diesel locomotive test. 摘要水阻試驗台是內燃機車檢測的必不可少的設備。