- I hope Italian enterprises will play out their technological advantages and establish capital and technology intensive enterprises in these areas. 希望義大利企業發揮技術先進的優勢,到這些地區設立資金、技術密集型企業。
- Capital Intensive A process or industry that requires large sums of financial resources to produce a particular good. 資本密集需要大量財務資源生產個別貨品的生產過程或行業。
- Those in capital intensive industries are skilled at applying return on investment and breakeven analyses. 那些資本密集行業的分析師長於應用投資回報和盈虧平衡分析。
- But, in fact, one often finds production techniques in both agriculture and industry to be heavily mechanized and capital intensive. 但是事實上,人們通常發現不管在農業還是工業中,生產技術都是重型機械化的和資本密集型的。
- Therefore, Chinas manufacturing is infirm in international division of labor, especially for the technology and capital intensive products. 因此,中國製造業國際分工地位低下,在技術和資本密集型產品上尤為低下。
- Strategic capacity planningis an approach for determining the overall capacity levelof capital intensive resources, including facilities, equipment, and overall labor force size. 戰略能力計劃,是一種確定由資本密集型資源構成的總體能力水平的方法,包括設施規模、設備數量、總的勞動力水平等。
- The life of oil field from finding to discarding can be tens of years or even more and it is an industry of manpower intensive, capital intensive and technique intensive. 油田從發現至枯竭要經歷幾十年甚至更長的時間,這是一個人力密集、資金密集、技術密集型的產業。
- When the application has been approved by administration of taxation, the recognized technology intensive and knowledge intensive enterprises can begin to enjoy preferential taxation. 經認定的兩個密集型企業,可按稅收有關規定提出申請,報經稅務機關審核批准后,享受有關稅收優惠。
- The production of high-level human capital intensive products causes the increase in the demand for high-level human capital laborers and enlarges the wage gap. 高等人力資本密集型產品的生產引起了高等人力資本水平勞動力需求的增加,擴大了工資差距。
- After entering WTO,export of abour intensive products will be further enlarged, while import of capital intensive and teconology intensive products being greatly enlarged. 入世后,我國勞動力密集型產品出口將進一步擴大,而資本、技術密集型產品進口增長較快。
- In the trade of commodity, the increase of proportion of finished products in export can change the product demand structure of our country and enhance the production of high-level human capital intensive products. 在商品貿易中,製成品出口比例的增加會改變我國的產品需求結構,使高等人力資本密集型產品的生產增加。
- knowledge- intensive enterprises 知識密集型企業
- Investment in capital equipment, such as buildings, plant or machinery. For example, the building of a chemical refinery would be capital intensive and require large capital investment. 指在建築物、廠房或機器等資本設備上的投資。例如,化學品提煉廠的建設是資本密集型的投資,需要投入大量的資本。
- Inconsistencies in the market supply-demand relationship of powerful developers can Wujin pocket, sell the house, capital intensive developers often take a cut of marketing methods. 在市場上供求關係不一致的情況下,有實力的開發商可以捂緊口袋,惜售房子,資金緊張的開發商往往會採取變相降價的方法促銷。
- technology, knowledge or capital intensive 技術、智力、資本密集型
- capital intensive model of economic development [經] 資本密集型經濟
- The Changes of the External Condition of Chinese Labor Intensive Enterprises 中國勞動密集型企業外部環境變遷的報告
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影響發展的主要障礙是缺乏資本。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。
- The capital is in the extreme south of the country. 首都在這個國家的最南端。