- Capillary free zone electrophoresis of globin chains 毛細管區帶電泳分離珠蛋白肽鏈
- Suggestion: No registering in WGQ free zone. 建議:不註冊在外高橋。
- Is the storage in the tax free zone? 倉庫是在保稅區嗎?
- They have declared their country a,nuclear free zone. 他們宣布本國為無核區.
- For heads: empower heads to make every school a junk food free zone. 校長們:讓校長們有權力讓每個學校免於受到垃圾食物的攻擊。
- At the same time, thought that the blind athletes in football field Ball break free zone, it is incredible how! 同時想到,盲人足球運動員們在場上自由地帶球突破,那是多麼不可思議!
- Under the new plan, China will also allow RMB to be used in trade with neighboring partners in Heilongjiang's Suifenhe Tariff Free Zone. 像黑龍江裝備製造業迎來政策良機一樣,中央的九條振興意見,幾乎全部融匯在了黑龍江省八大經濟區的具體規劃設計中。
- capillary free anomalous associated 無毛細管區
- capillary free flow electrophoresis CFFE
- Free zone and the activities of their children to the soft equipment, matting, big balls of different sizes, parachute, pleasure tunnels, slides, etc. 自由活動區則為小朋友們準備了柔軟的活動設備、地墊、不同尺寸的大球、降落傘、遊樂隧道、滑梯等。
- capillary free flow electrophoresis(CFFE) 毛細管自由流動電泳
- Take the free zone at Jebel Ali, a deep port in Dubai established in 1985 and widely considered to be among the most successful. 迪拜深水港傑貝阿里的自由區於1985年建成,被普遍認為是中東北非最成功的自由區之一。
- Tianjin Coastal New Area,including Tanggu,Hangu,Dagang,TEDA and Tax Free Zone,is the biggest point of economic growth in Tianjin in recent years. 天津市濱海新區包括塘沽、漢沽、大港、開發區、保稅區,是近年天津最大的經濟增長點,是全市經濟發展的新龍頭。
- AME, previously a hundred-percent subsidiary of ALNO AG, has been producing kitchens, wardrobes and bathroom furniture in the Jebel Ali Free Zone near Dubai since 2005. AME公司,以前是百分之一百的ALNO附屬公司,自2005年以來,在迪拜附近的傑貝阿里自由區生產廚房,衣櫃和浴室傢具。
- Dislocations are found to emit from the crack-tip during crack propagation and aredriven out of the crack tip area,leaving behind a dislocation free zone. 發現在裂紋擴展的同時伴隨著位錯的發射,並在裂紋尖端形成無位錯區(DFZ)。
- The site of those ambitions is the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), a 110-acre 「free zone」 where financial firms pay no taxes and need hire no local Emiratis. 這些雄心的地點是迪拜國際金融中心,一個110英畝的「免稅區」,免稅區里不需要繳稅和雇傭當地酋長國人。
- Reading occupies most of my free time. 閱讀佔去了我大部分的閑暇時間。
- Other heavy-hitters include Canada"s David Cronenberg ("A History of Violence"), Denmark"s Lars von Trier ("Manderlay"), Israel"s Amos Gitai ("Free Zone") and German-born Michael Haneke ("Cache"/"Hidden"). 其他金棕櫚大獎的強力競爭者還有執導《暴力史》的加拿大導演大衛·柯南伯格,《曼德勒》的導演、丹麥人拉斯·馮提爾,執導《自由區》的以色列阿莫斯·吉達的以及影片《躲避》的導演、德裔法國人麥克·漢尼克。
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates company in the Jebel Ali free zone set up branch offices, domestic exports in the Middle East, Europe and the United States, Africa and Southeast Asian countries. 公司在阿拉伯聯合大公國迪拜傑貝、阿里自由區設有分公司,產品出口於中東、歐美、非洲及東南亞各國。