- Anythingyou say may be taken down and used as evidence against you. 你說的每句話都可能記錄下來用作指控你的證據。
- Eric Fishwick, head of economic research at CLSA, said: "The fact that the PMI has bottomed is encouraging but should not be taken as evidence of recovery. 克里昂證券經濟研究部主管斐思偉稱:「事實上,PMI觸底反彈的確是振奮人心的消息,可這並不意味著經濟復甦。
- Whatever facts are adduced to knock them down can also be taken as evidence of the multi-layered cunning of those behind the plots. 無論人們提出什麼樣的事實來反駁這些怪論,可能都會被視為陰謀策劃者詭計層出不窮的證據。
- The lack of live-in fathers shouldn't be taken as evidence that the Mosuo don't value family life, said Lombard, of the Lugu Lake Mosuo Cultural Development Association. 瀘沽湖摩梭族文化發展協會的拉姆巴德說,生活中缺少父親,並不能因此說明摩梭人就不重視家庭生活的價值。
- Anythingyou say may be take down and used as evidence against you. 你說的每句話都可能記錄下來用作指控你的證據。
- Anything you said may be taken down and used as evidence against you. 你說的每句話都可能記錄下來用作指控你的證據。
- This of course should not be taken as a precedent. 當然,這樣的搭配不能引為先例。
- Anything you say may be taken down and used as evidence against you. 你說的每句話都可能記錄下來用作指控你的證據。
- This may be taken as a result of electrolysis. 這可以當作是電解的一種結果。
- Our wives and children will be taken as plunder. 我們的妻子和孩子必被擄掠。
- Please remember this is not to be taken as final. 請記得這不是最後的回答。
- No one wants to be taken as a little screw . 很少會有人說,希望成為社會性的一顆螺絲釘。
- Any free radicals in Martian soil could be taken as presumptive evidence of life there. 火星土壤中的任何遊離基將可用來推斷火星存在生命。
- The above-mentioned evidence must be verified before it can be taken as a basis for ascertaining a fact. 以上證據必須查證屬實,才能作為認定事實的根據。
- The first few books can be taken as the pattern of the whole work. 前幾部書可看做是整部著作的模式。
- Sealed sample of the above be to be take as arranged, but the bag of the1st class need not be sample. 上述封存好的樣品,我們已經作了安排。至於一級品的袋子,不必送樣品了。
- Gaia hypothesis, introduced by James Lovelock, said that the globe should be taken as an organism. 由James Lovelock提出的蓋亞假說認為地球應被視作一個生物體。
- The remarks were taken as a direct slap at the existing government's policy. 那些話被看作是對現政府政策的一記耳光。
- Let angle AOB be taken as a central angle of a circle. 設
- He knows all the things which CANNOT be done. 所有做不來的事,也是無 人不知、無人不曉。