- Despite the price of NAND drops sharply, it still can』t keep up with the growth rate of mainstream storage density. 而NAND不行,儘管NAND的降價速度也很快,但是比不上主流的存儲密度的增加速度。
- The small paid editorial staffs at commercial directory sites can』t keep up with submissions, and the quality and comprehensiveness of their directories has suffered. 商業目錄中較少的編輯網站的職員已經無法滿足大量的網站提交的請求,這樣使得他們目錄的質量與數量受到了影響。
- I can' t keep up with you. 我跟不上你。
- You can' t keep up the pretense any longer. 你無法繼續偽裝下去了。
- We cannot keep up with the vagaries of his mind. 我們跟不上他的異想天開的速度。
- Mr. Ampere can not keep up with it any longer. 安培先生跟不上它了。
- She likes to keep up with the latest fashions. 她喜歡穿戴入時。
- They walk so fast that I can not keep up with them. 他們走得那麼快,我沒法跟上。
- She slows down her pace so I can keep up with her. 她放慢腳步好讓我跟上她。
- The supply can hardly keep up with the demand. 供應無法追上需求。
- Somebody who can keep up with me. 某人誰能夠趕上我。
- Mother set the pace so that her children would keep up with her. 媽媽定了速度好讓她的孩子們能夠跟上她。
- I think it important that we keep up with the times. 我認為跟上時代是很重要的。
- Plans can neve keep up with changes. 計劃永遠趕不上變化。
- In fact, no one can keep up with her. 事實上,沒有人能跟上她。
- I haven't kept up with news from home lately. 最近我對家裡的情況一無所知。
- If you don't keep up with the times, you'll get left behind. 如果你跟不上時代,就會被時代甩在後面。
- I can't keep up with all the changes in computer technology. 計算機技術的各種改進有些我已跟不上了。
- He made an arduous effort to keep up with the rest of the class. 他努力跟上班上其他同學。
- They walked so fast that I could not keep up with them. 他們走得那麼快,我沒法跟上。