- He is flat broke and cannot find a job anywhere. 他身無分文,又求職無門。
- She forage about in her handbag, but she can not find her ticket. 她在她的手提包里搜尋,但她沒能找到她的票子。
- I can not find word to express how much I like it. 我無法用語言表達我多麼喜歡它。
- I cannot find it in myself to condemn a mother who steals for a hungry child. 我不忍心責備為飢兒行竊的女人。
- He is flat break and cannot find a job anywhere. 他身無分文,又求職無門。
- I can not find any towel in my room. 我在房間里找不到毛巾。
- Cannot find an IP adapter bound to Remote Access. 沒有找到用於遠程訪問的IP適配器。
- Cannot find the phone book entry. 不能找到電話本入口。
- I can not find the book I want in this library. 在這圖書館里我找不到我要的書。
- The police can not find a motive for the murder. 警方未能找出謀殺者的動機。
- I think I am lost; I can not find the bridge. 我想我是迷路了,我找不到那座橋了。
- Tom can not find a good excuse for being late. 湯姆找不到充分的理由說明遲到的原因。
- Tom can not find a job,and nor can John. 湯姆找不到工作,約翰也找不到工作。
- Tom can not find a good excuse for late. 湯姆找不到充分的理由說明遲到的原因。
- I can not find it out which answer is right. 我確定不了哪一個答案是對的。
- I cannot find my watch;I must have lost it. 我找不到手錶,我一定把它給丟了。
- Jack can not find a job and has broken stones. 傑克找不到工作,已陷於極端的貧困。
- Mr. Wang, I cannot find the document on ABB. 王先生,我找不到abb公司的文件了。
- I cannot find fault in your paper. It is faultless. 從你的文章里我找不到錯誤,它完美無瑕。
- I cannot find my watch;I must have lost it. 我找不到手錶,我一定把它給丟了。